Will bud washing remove my pest and powder mildew prevention spray?

Ok thanks, im using way too much. I will use that ratio, is it efficient?
Most of the time. You can up the dosage, as long as you don't burn your plants, I would think. The most important thing for me with neem is it's half life. Spray it today, and almost half is gone tomorrow. Half of that is gone the next day, and so on.

For fungus gnats indoors, I've always used BT. Works great.
So im done with the soap idea. Completely turned off of that, only sprayed them once so im gunna rinse them next nice day we have and proceed to use a alcohol/baking soda/ water mix of 1 part water, 1/4 parts rubbing alcohol, and 3.25ml baking soda for pm. This solution is 20% alcohol + 3.25ml baking soda. The alcohol kills bugs, but is it going to dissolve or hurt the trichomes 20% strength? Its very difficult to not get any on flowers. Thanks
I wouldn’t spray my plants with alcohol man. It burns very easily. I’m not sure about the trichomes but i assume it would be detrimental. Try habanero spray maybe. It’d be the less stressing treatment. Get shit load of hot peppers. Like deadly hot ones. Cover them with water in a pot. Add some aromatic herbs such as rosemary, basil, pepper etc. Add garlic. Let thet simmer for 30 minutes or so. Don’t boil. Steep. Dilute and spray. There is no exact dosage as it’s an homemade remedy so start on some little branches first. Dial that in. I don’t know in flowering i can’t think anything else.

I also would suggest you stay away from neem oil. Most neem oil contains aflatoxins. You don’t want that stuff on your buds.

And for the indoor gnat problem; Indoors these guys are the gnat killers ime, hypoaspis miles. And pesticides, oils and diatomaceous earth etc. are all great hypoaspis killers. So i try to stay away from using them and the soil balances stuff out somehow. I also try not bringing any new soil from outside.

I wouldn’t spray my plants with alcohol man. It burns very easily. I’m not sure about the trichomes but i assume it would be detrimental. Try habanero spray maybe. It’d be the less stressing treatment. Get shit load of hot peppers. Like deadly hot ones. Cover them with water in a pot. Add some aromatic herbs such as rosemary, basil, pepper etc. Add garlic. Let thet simmer for 30 minutes or so. Don’t boil. Steep. Dilute and spray. There is no exact dosage as it’s an homemade remedy so start on some little branches first. Dial that in. I don’t know in flowering i can’t think anything else.

I also would suggest you stay away from neem oil. Most neem oil contains aflatoxins. You don’t want that stuff on your buds.

And for the indoor gnat problem; Indoors these guys are the gnat killers ime, hypoaspis miles. And pesticides, oils and diatomaceous earth etc. are all great hypoaspis killers. So i try to stay away from using them and the soil balances stuff out somehow. I also try not bringing any new soil from outside.

Thanks for your input, gunna go with a 10% solution now that evaporates, your recipe is making me hungry with this violator kush:)
Have you tried predator mites? Phytoseilius persimilis these are for red spider mites and can be used outdoors,got to be better than spraying chemicals.
I have used CX PMT powdery mildew treatment only indoors though, it’s extremely good non toxic, safe for food crops, humans, animals and environment and can be used right up until harvest plus it good for bud rot to its £22.00 pounds here for a 100 ml bottle which makes ten litres of treatment with plain water I personally think if you have pm you have to stay on top of it as it’s hard to kill completely especially outside as you can control your environment as you can indoors.
I wash my bud as soon as I have taken it down stripped all fan leafs I have four 7 gallon buckets first is h2o2 the next is bicarbonate soda and lemon juice and the others 2 are pain water this is all with RO water I just dip them gently moving the up and down about 20 times as you don’t want to smash and bruise the trichomes in each bucket then hang them up with a fan to get them dry then carry on with your drying method, even if my bud had no issues during the grow I would still wash it just like you would salad and fruit before you eat it hope this helps cheers.
Okay, i had spider mites 5 days ago, i used 1:1 iso : h2o, and just sprayed today with my preventative solution, can you please tell me the best solution for mites and mildew? Always looking for the best!

Spinosad for the mites - has to be sprayed in every 3-4 days for at least 2 weeks to break the life cycle. Mites have several stages by the time you see then you hae a full on infestation.

Dish detergent is not good for plants in flower. It can be used like bushdoctor does but he's using a VERY mild solution. Neem I never use in flower. It's got a nasty taste and it wont wash off easily.

Spinosad - I use Monterey Garden spray diluted at 3 tbs per gal of water gotta spray plants top to btm and btm to top get them soaked and repeat. Has to be applied every 3-4 days no missing for 2 weeks.

For molds and PM I use - Southern Ag - Garden friendly fungicide.

Both of these products are used in organic farming they do not need to be washed off prior to harvest and can be used up to the day before harvest.
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