Will my plant survive?


New Member
Hello, its My first time growing outdoors and One of My plants has gotten some kind of pest, my question now is Will the plant survive?

(sorry for the bad quality)
how it looks:
Looks like whatever it is, can do alot of damage quickly. Maybe a caterpillar or pill bugs. Spray it with some kind of organic insecticide (Unless you feel like useing some strong, non-organic stuff, but be careful). I would get on it before the next night fall as that is when the damage is most likely happening.
A bit young perhaps, better to grow inside to about 18-25" then move out as at that height it can handle the wild life ...lol

look to neem oil for guidance
Vastok, since im from a contry were Marijuana is strictly illegal i dont feel safe growing inside, thats why iam growing outside. I will look up that oil. Thanks.
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