Yet Another Nube Grow Journal

Some nutrient lines call for as flush to remove salts at certain points during the grow.
I'm assuming he is following his nutrient schedule.
Weird, just looked at all his posts and pics and everything looked healthy. But hey, I’ll never use synthetic nutes :adore:
Hi Hayron:

As I mentioned earlier I am using the Fox Farms nutrients ( Big Bloom and Grow Big ) so will use their Sledgehammer product to flush. They suggest every four weeks but these plants are about ten weeks old and this will be the first time I do a flush. Using the Sledgehammer product means I can do so with way less water. In general I also use a significantly smaller quantity of nutrients than their schedule calls for - typically 2/3. As this is my first "real" grow I'm sticking pretty close to the FF schedule otherwise. Since I'm going over to the flowering stage and will be using a bit different nutrient mix I figured, if was going to do a flush, that it might be the logical time to do so. I've read so much in the past few weeks, including the whole debate regarding flushing or not, so trying a "middle of the road" approach. This may well be the only time I flush for this grow.

Growing weed is interesting. I used to brew beer and I recall an old saying that wine making is all about agriculture and that brewing beer is all about process. In the case of weed it looks like it's all about both agriculture and process. After learning some more I'll likely get more adventurous wrt both process and agriculture.
Awesome looking canopy! And welcome to 420 Magazine. I know...a bit late but it's the thought that counts. Haaaa haaaa.

I like your perspective and analogy about growing weed versus wine and beer. Take care and I'll hop in from time to time to check out your updates.
Yesterday morning (May 2nd) I did a "mild" flush using Fox Farms Sledgehammer. I typically run through about 3 gallons of water when feeding. Pot sizes are 5, 5, and 7 gallons for the three plants. So I mixed up 6 gallons and split it reasonably equally across all three plants. I used my simple water contraption which made for a nice slow even watering, starting in the middle, letting set for about ten minutes, then watering throughout, especially around the outer region of each pot. They are fabric pots so I mainly watered about 80% out from the center, running back and forth radially from near center. Here's what they looked like just before the flush.

Today I looked in on the ladies to make sure they took the flush in stride and indeed they had. I'd also read (always a dangerous adventure) that it might be good to clear out some of the larger fan leaves that are not near the canopy top. So I did that, hopefully opening up a bit for air flow and light for possible lower bud sites. Again, I did not go overboard and left anything near the top. Here is from today following the "crop"

Finally, here's one of the tops.

The plants are seven days into 12-12 hour lighting. Later this week, once the water from the flush has been consumed or evaporated I plan to return to my regular regimen of alternating feeds with nutrients at about 2/3 recommended (Fox Farms Soil Feeding Schedule) and just straight watering. I also recently got a proper pH pen and tested my water, which is filtered municipal water, and found it to be about pH=7.8. I do amend the water with pH Down, usually shooting for pH= 6.2-6.5.

And, as always, comments and recommendations, condemnations, and ruminations appreciated!
Hi! Mind if I join in? Your plants are looking great so far! I am fairly new myself and still learning (although aren’t we all always learning?) so I won’t have much advice to share yet.
I also recently got a proper pH pen and tested my water,
Did you do as I did and run around testing everything? :rofl:
Yesterday morning (May 2nd) I did a "mild" flush using Fox Farms Sledgehammer. I typically run through about 3 gallons of water when feeding. Pot sizes are 5, 5, and 7 gallons for the three plants. So I mixed up 6 gallons and split it reasonably equally across all three plants. I used my simple water contraption which made for a nice slow even watering, starting in the middle, letting set for about ten minutes, then watering throughout, especially around the outer region of each pot. They are fabric pots so I mainly watered about 80% out from the center, running back and forth radially from near center. Here's what they looked like just before the flush.

Today I looked in on the ladies to make sure they took the flush in stride and indeed they had. I'd also read (always a dangerous adventure) that it might be good to clear out some of the larger fan leaves that are not near the canopy top. So I did that, hopefully opening up a bit for air flow and light for possible lower bud sites. Again, I did not go overboard and left anything near the top. Here is from today following the "crop"

Finally, here's one of the tops.

The plants are seven days into 12-12 hour lighting. Later this week, once the water from the flush has been consumed or evaporated I plan to return to my regular regimen of alternating feeds with nutrients at about 2/3 recommended (Fox Farms Soil Feeding Schedule) and just straight watering. I also recently got a proper pH pen and tested my water, which is filtered municipal water, and found it to be about pH=7.8. I do amend the water with pH Down, usually shooting for pH= 6.2-6.5.

And, as always, comments and recommendations, condemnations, and ruminations appreciated!
Everything looks great.
Only question is why only 2/3 of your nutrients. Just curious myself. ?
Everything looks great.
Only question is why only 2/3 of your nutrients. Just curious myself. ?
Thanks Bill - I'm growing in a pretty good soil base mixed up by my spousal unit - so figured they might not need full-strength nutrients. I'd read several places that it is good to err on the side of caution regarding nutrient strength and that a good organic soil base would have most of what the plants needed. What would be your informed opinion?
Hi! Mind if I join in? Your plants are looking great so far! I am fairly new myself and still learning (although aren’t we all always learning?) so I won’t have much advice to share yet.

Did you do as I did and run around testing everything? :rofl:
Well, yes I did. My cats are now avoiding me.
Thanks Bill - I'm growing in a pretty good soil base mixed up by my spousal unit - so figured they might not need full-strength nutrients. I'd read several places that it is good to err on the side of caution regarding nutrient strength and that a good organic soil base would have most of what the plants needed. What would be your informed opinion?
Fox farms isn’t my forte.
But I’ve read Emilya’s threads.
I know she uses full strength fox farms according to the schedule.
Then water in between.
Soil isn’t my forte so I can only tell you what I’ve read other good growers do.
Have you had a look at any of her threads.
She is very helpful if you have any questions.
I’m not saying you should change what your doing.
Just thought I’d mention what I read.
Thanks Bill - I totally appreciate your input! So today, which is day 11 of 12-12 hour lighting, I did the first feed since flush. I gave nutrients at full recommended concentration, and will follow next watering with water only. Here is a picture from today. As you can see they're getting a bit out-of-hand in the back right corner. I decided to move the light a bit more towards the shorter stems. Given where things are is it still possible to do things like super cropping? I've not tried that yet. Also included (second image) a close-up of one of the tops. I think I needed to do more training early on, or perhaps growing three plants in this 24x30-inch tent is just a bit too much. Live and learn!

Thanks Bill - I totally appreciate your input! So today, which is day 11 of 12-12 hour lighting, I did the first feed since flush. I gave nutrients at full recommended concentration, and will follow next watering with water only. Here is a picture from today. As you can see they're getting a bit out-of-hand in the back right corner. I decided to move the light a bit more towards the shorter stems. Given where things are is it still possible to do things like super cropping? I've not tried that yet. Also included (second image) a close-up of one of the tops. I think I needed to do more training early on, or perhaps growing three plants in this 24x30-inch tent is just a bit too much. Live and learn!

That's a fantastic looking grow tent going.
They are going to stretch for a few more days.
If any get out of hand just bend them over and tie them.
You can do that to fill open spots in the tent, HeHe
Beautiful my friend.
2 weeks into 12-12 lighting schedule as of today.

I lifted the pots today and determined another water/feed was in order. I mixed up 3 gallons of water with 30ml of Fox Farms Big Bloom, 20ml of Fox Farms Grow BIg, and 25ml of Fox Farms Tiger Bloom. My water started at pH=6.8; with nutrients it tested at pH=5.8. So I added 20ml (to 3 gallons) of pH UP to get the mixture to pH=6.4. I did a nice slow watering following Emilya's excellent article on the subject.

Here's a picture of the canopy from today.

I cut away about a dozen larger fan leaves, mostly from underneath (a couple were looking unhappy) as well as a few larger ones blocking flowers on lower stems. As an experiment I also decided to tie down (LST) one of the taller stems just to see how things progress. This next picture is of the tallest stem in the tent.

To my uneducated eye things look good. I've also begun to look at what I want to grow for the next cycle - looking at some Sativa-dominant seeds. But there's much more to go on this grow so no need to get ahead of myself!

As always, comments and suggestions are welcome!
So, checking the plants this morning I saw some brown spots on some of the leaves, I think from just one plant, and only on larger fan leaves. Here are a couple of pix:

Reading a bunch it appears to me to be a cal-mag deficiency. Since I was in the area I trundled by a nearby grow shop to get some cal-mag supplement. All my other nutes have been Fox Farms but this shop did not have any in stock so I got some GH "CalMagic". I fed two gallons total using the recommended concentration (5ml/gallon) to the three plants. We'll see how they do. I've read that a cal-mag deficiency is not uncommon at this stage and that it can also help address (perceived?) slow flowering. So at least until very near harvest I'll be adding this to my feed schedule. What do y'all think?

On a happier note...
So, checking the plants this morning I saw some brown spots on some of the leaves, I think from just one plant, and only on larger fan leaves. Here are a couple of pix:

Reading a bunch it appears to me to be a cal-mag deficiency. Since I was in the area I trundled by a nearby grow shop to get some cal-mag supplement. All my other nutes have been Fox Farms but this shop did not have any in stock so I got some GH "CalMagic". I fed two gallons total using the recommended concentration (5ml/gallon) to the three plants. We'll see how they do. I've read that a cal-mag deficiency is not uncommon at this stage and that it can also help address (perceived?) slow flowering. So at least until very near harvest I'll be adding this to my feed schedule. What do y'all think?

On a happier note...
Sounds like a good plan my friend.
Yesterday my band's rehearsal got called because two of the guys had to work. Idle hands - devil's playmates and all. The plants were very bushy - I could not see down through more than a half of the way to lollypop land, and could not see through the brush more than a few inches in when viewed from the sides. The ladies are 3 weeks since changing to a 12-12 lighting schedule. Did a bit of reading and decided it might be time for a final nip and tuck. Out came the scissors. I cut most of the large lower fan leaves - up to about half way between the lollypop level and the canopy. After that I was more choosy - mostly cutting away those leaves masking promising flowering potential. Hope I was not too severe! Here's a picture after the surgery.

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