YogaDude's 150W HPS Closet Grow


New Member
Hey there 420 peoples! This is my first post to 420 and I'm glad to finally make it past the stage of spectating. I have already learned so much from reading the information posted on this site and especially so from individual grow journals. Especially:

Mr Kips 1st time DIY cabnit grow 1st Time Stealth DIY Cabinet Grow- Hydro/T-5/LED Pineapple Express & Kannabia Special

Munki's Ebb and Flow SCROG grow Munki's Ebb n Flow 3 x 3 SCROG 400W HPS Grow

420fied's Come SOG with Me Come SOG With Me: 112 Plants, 2 Liter, Hempy SOG

I am currently partway through my first grow and in the process of setting up for a second, more ambitious, and (hopefully) more productive grow. Considering I am very much a novice, any tips, critiques, and thoughts are welcomed and appreciated!

Starting out with basic information:

What strain is it? Northern Lights
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? Mostly Indica
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? I have one girl flowering right now (wk 4), but this journal is as much about preparing a good future set up as it is about taking care of my current gal.
Indoor or outdoor? Indoor.
Soil or Hydro? Soil.
If soil... what is in your mix? Dr Earth Organic Soil Organic Soils - Dr. Earth Products Gallery
If soil... What size pot? Currently, 5 gal bucket. Will have smaller buckets in the future.
Size of light? Currently, 150W HPS. This light has been used from the start with my current plant. Planning on buying CFL lights for veg cycle.
Is it aircooled? The plant is inside a 4x6x8 closet and as far as I can tell does not require air cooling. However, I am planning to move my grow into a smaller cabinet which I'm sure will.
Temp of Room/cab? 79-82 F
RH of Room/cab? Currently, fluctuating between 30% and 50%. During veg stage, between 50% and 70%.
PH of media or res? I bought a pH meter but have not been able to get a reading off it. According to pH strips, close to neutral.
Any Pests ? Gnats, for awhile. Laid some sand down on the soil and managed to kill them off within a few weeks.
How often are you watering? I've just started keeping a watering log. Within the last week Ive watered it 2 cups every other day, with 1 cup in-between days if it looked a little thirsty.
Type and strength of ferts used? I have two types of ferts: FF Big Bloom, and FF Grow Big. I started using them about three weeks ago and follow this soil feeding chart FoxFarm Soil & Fertilizer Company
The leaf in the last picture began looking like that about 2 weeks after I started feeding her nutes, leading me to think nute burn... During the second week (my first wk of having a watering journal) she drank up 2 cups of water every other day. The first 2 cups contained a concentration of [3tsp/gal] Big Bloom. The second 2 cups contained [2tsp/gal] Grow Big & [3tsp/gal] Big Bloom. The last 2 cups were plain water.
Okay that's good. There are some other leaves that look like that but not many. I'm wondering if the concentrations of nutes I'm using is to high? Or maybe the organic soil I'm using has enough nutes at the moment...? My girl is the first plant to use this soil. Thanks for the compliments! When I started I actually had 2 plants going, luckily the only one that ended up being female was the one that was also much more productive!
Okay so I am now 5 wks into flowering! I'm a little concerned about my plant because lately the fan leaves have been turning yellow. After some reading, though, I think that may just be a normal part of flowering. It sounds like the plant starts redirecting nutrients from the fan leaves to the budsites. I'm hoping that means she is getting closer to harvest time. So far none of the pistels have changed color. I can visibly see the tiny trichomes, but I don't have a microscope to view them up-close at this time (got one ordered tho!).
The problem might lie in the soil it self (is there enough air in the soil?) did you mix perlite in the soil? And I don't understand ur watering cycle if it's in a five gallon pot you should be watering it every 5 to 7 days. I don't understand the 2 cups of water 1 cup of water stuff let it dry out so the roots grow strong and long make sure the pot drains well and don't let it sit in water. Give it some B1 and silica in your next watering and try and add more light and keep the air around the leaves moving.
I think you might be right ShadowGrow. After some frantic research with my man Google, I think I may just be freaking out, and this might be totally normal. I'll be keeping a close eye on it though. The rest of the plant seems healthy.

@mikey232 Hey dude, thanks for stoppin by :welcome: There are definitely some things I would have done differently when starting this grow if I knew at that time what I know now, and adjusting the soil mixture is one of them. Right now I have 5 gallons of Dr. Earth Organic Soil, with just a little bit of sand right at the top. Though, on my next grow I do plan to concoct some sort of mix. To water it, I give it 2 cups of water every other day, and once a week I include BigBloom and GrowBig at respective concentrations of 2tsp/gal and 3tsp/gal. Those values come from foxfarms soil feeding chart. I've heard its good to dilute nutes tho, so I might halve the concentrations. And yep, I do have a fan constantly blowing on her and her pot does drain. Thanks for asking :thumb: I guess I should prob post pics of my whole current/temporary setup huh? Haha.
It's hard to get a good photo of my closet but here's my best shot. The whole closet is 4x6x8. From the left: there's my CO2 tank chillin in the back left corner. It's hose is connected to the fan on the chair there. The fan is pointing at the back right corner where the plant is. Got all my nutes lined up there (just added TigerBloom to the collection, will probably figure out how to incorporate that soon). Way on the right is my open door.

Now you can see the plant under the HPS light next to the future home of future plants :)
You should but the plant in that lil white cabinet with the light. Wattage/lumens per square foot is super important you want to be around 50 watts per square ft. So your loosing all your lamp power try and box it up some how so you don't spree all your light around.
Other than that the plant look nice
Thanks! She'll appreciate the compliment. This plant is 3' tall (w/ pot it's 4'2") and it wont fit inside that box. The box is actually 2 compartments. The bottom one, at 2'3" will be the veg chamber, and the top compartment, at 3', will be the flowering chamber. Both chambers have 1'3" x 2'10" square footage. Next grow I'm attempting to do a sea of green approach and will keep the plants short. Maybe ScrOG down the line...
That will work great in that box and give u good buds remember to seal the box up to crank up the ppms from the co2 tank
Good luck
Hey Yoga, plant looks good! SCROG will work great with the smaller light. She's a little too tall now to get good light penetration, but that main cola will be very nice. Sounds like you're ahead of the learning curve, you'll do just fine. Like they say, your first grow is actually your third grow, lol.

I still think she is a little mag deficient, as I stated in the other section. Looking at some of your other pics, nute burn is apparent as well...nothing too bad though.
Picking your pots up to feel weight is a great way to determine when to water. If it feels really lite, it's time to water.
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