You Might Be A Grower If

Currently looking at houses to buy and this is my only criteria. I have to come up with reasons why I like a property but the Mrs sees through it and knows exactly what I'm thinking. :laughtwo:
Haha. I just did this! We moved to a legal state and looked at 8 different houses. I knew immediately which one I wanted to buy, based on the breaker box size, ceiling height and where. Would for up my wall to corner off my grow! This is so true!
Haha. I just did this! We moved to a legal state and looked at 8 different houses. I knew immediately which one I wanted to buy, based on the breaker box size, ceiling height and where. Would for up my wall to corner off my grow! This is so true!
Just checked it out. Epic!
You might be a grower if every entry in your browser history starts with
You know your a grower when everyone is bitchin about their power bill and your thinking yours isnt too bad since you swapped to cmh or led.....
Thanks to Jeff Foxworthy, we all know how to tell if you might be a redneck, so I thought I'd put together a list of the top ten signs that will tell if you might be a grower.

You might be a grower IF....

1) You stress about the quality of nutrients you give your plants but live on a diet of fast food, potato chips, coffee & soda

2) Every plastic container looks like a potential hydro system

3) Your electric bill is more than your mortgage payment

4) Your neighbors are always asking why you never let you pet skunk out of the house to play

5) When someone refers to a "hottie with 36-24-36 measurements" you think they're referring to the N-P-K ratio on some super brand of nutes

6) Someone asks you about your girls and you forget all about your daughters and tell them about your plants.

7) You're in the process of curing, but you're not a doctor and nobody is sick

8) A "light leak" has nothing to do with slowly dripping water

9) A fully packed tent makes you feel better than a fully packed bowl

10) You include :420: in your list of the top teachers of all time!


Feel free to add to the list! :)
You never ask any one if they have any weed for sale.
You might be a grower if you have a doorbell that when you press it, it goes BRING BONG
You might be a grower if a buddy at work is describing a girl he met the night before measurements like " She was 34-26-34. And all you can think of is that sounds like a miracle grow product and it will never work.
You might be a grower if you take your kids to the lake or the river and make a contest to see who can find the most river rocks.( just the right size for drainage in all the new pots you bought the day before.

You might be a grower if you glance over at the top of your car, as I just did, and realize it’s been more than a day since you last saw those scissors. Ha ha ha. Whoops. Stuff lodges nicely up there.
Those freaking scissors. They same ones you planted and harvested? :rofl::rofl: that still cracks me up
Ha ha. I’m not sure. I’ve got three pairs cause I bought two replacements while I waiting till harvest to find out which pot I’d buried them in. Damn things sure are hard to sprout.

In a way it worked out though. Ended up with three pairs, started with only one.

falls off chair.
You know your a grower if.....

You cant wait to finish drying...not to smoke the buds, but to veg up some more plants in that space, and its holding you up...
Back here again so soon... :)

I run my grow as well as everything else here on rainwater, and it’s been dry for weeks. Cisterns are half empty so I thought I’d conserve and water the tomatoes in my greenhouse with about 10 gallons left over from making bubble hash.

It’s been three days and my greenhouse just reeks! It smells great actually. Anyone who comes near it is gonna know I’m growing weed in there.
Funny thing is, I’m not. :laughtwo:
Currently looking at houses to buy and this is my only criteria. I have to come up with reasons why I like a property but the Mrs sees through it and knows exactly what I'm thinking. :laughtwo:
#MeToo. lol. And we only rent keep trying to upsize as have 3 children growing Mrs GG is too
If you look at this pic


and salivate wondering what strain grows buds that might be a grower.
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