Ziminy's Mango Clone Grow


New Member
My first grow was of 6 Bag Seeds and 3 Mango seeds. One of the 3 Mangos grew twice as fast as the others, had fatter leaves and a thicker stem, so I decided to use it as a Mother.

My first 3 sets of clones had their stems turn to slime.
Posted the problem and got advice from Malcolm that it was "damping off" and that I needed to lower temp and humidity. I fixed this by removing the heating pad and cracking the lid for less humidity.

This is my 4th Clone grow.
This is my first clone growing journal.

Hydro - Drip/Drain
3 KC36
10 Gal Reservoir
74 Degrees
Coco Fiber
Started in 4 inch pots
3 CFL and 8 T5 blue bulbs
Oscillating Fan
PH is 6.2
Water - Starting with 1/4 inch water in tray, and spray once a day.
No Nutrients until I see good roots.
Canna A&B, Rhizotonic, PK13/14, Cannazym
3x3' growing area in closet

Cut clones from bottom branches.
Planted 2 using rooting powder.
Planted 2 using cloning gel.

Day 4 - No change, they look great!
I'm very happy the stems are no longer turning to mush.

After doing half and half with cloning gel and cloning powder, I have found that, in my current environment, the gel works better than the powder.

I got one clone to root using the powder, but it took twice as long AND the baby from it, although rooted, seems to be permanently stunted at 2 inches high. If I gently move the coco to see the stem below the surface, all the powder turns to a gluey, globby mess on the stems. So I've thrown out all the ones I tried rooting powder on and will use gel exclusively from now on.

The reason for my experiment was that I have read on these forums that some people have had equal success with powder. I just wanted to see which would work better for me.
Day 25

The clones are not hardy. They seem very weak and 3 have no new growth at all. The roots look healthy on all 4, if you judge from the roots, they're great.

But no leaf growth and those original leaves have just gotten grayish and papery.

I took the 1 that had a little bit of new leaf growth outside, transplanted into my favorite soil mixture 10 days ago and it has quadrupled in size. AND..... grown pods. It's a boy.

Why did it start flowering? I'm in Florida, and this is Summer for us. It's 80 degrees out and sunny most of the time.

I'm putting the other 3 outside as well. I'll see if they get any new leaf growth. I want to repeat, that they have GREAT roots. They have the roots of a much bigger plant. The tops still look exactly like in the original pictures above, except gray and papery. It seems odd.

I've grown 3 other large plants from seed in the time it has taken to get this sickly clones. Is this normal? People say it's quicker to clone than grow from seed. But it isn't adding up that way for me.

Any advice is appreciated. I'm about to give up on cloning.

Don't give up on cloning yet. You're definitely on the right track, and once you get it it is easy. Its all about the small things.

Make sure your stuff is clean. I used the same pair of scissors I used to cut Panda Film one time and forgot to sterilize before next cloning. My survival rate dropped by 50%.

Don't over water. Either the roots or the leaves. They will need to struggle a little at the beginning. If you give them everything, they'll never get roots. And if the stems are getting mushy then its definitely over-watered. A dome will help for the first few days. And/Or just mist them once or twice a day at first.

You should cut the big leaves in half. Hold the leaf and fold in half along the main vein. Then cut across the leaf. This will dramatically reduce the plants' need to transpire and bring up nutes. Although you don't want to over water, you don't want the plant to have to work too hard either.

Keep the roots warm. About 78-80 is good for the roots. Once you get going then res temps should be 65-75, but roots like it warmer.

A little yellowing is fine - the plant is taking nutes from one place to use in another. Its a sign of new growth. Let the plants get to that point. Then you can start to fine tune.

Your plants look great! And you've got a foot in the door - don't give up on the game yet!

+Reps for inspiration!

Trying again.
10 cuttings of KC 36
6 cuttings from my Mango.

This time I'm trying 5 different techniques all in one.

In a plastic box, half filled with perlite.
I did part with Rapid Rooters in the perlite,
Part with Jiffy pucks in the perlite.
Part with cuttings directly in the perlite.

In their own little 6 pack holder.
3 in plain Peat.
3 in Rapid Rooters.

With both I did 24 hours of dark rest.
24 hours indirect lighting with dome.
24 hours half dome.
And now for 3 days with no dome at all, but very humid room.

Something better root. =)
I have more and more confidence with each try even though they have been dissappointing. I really believe that for me it is an issue of getting the moisture right. Practice is teaching me how to feel the different mediums and being able to tell if they are too moist or too dry. It seems to be a slow learning curve for me, but I think I'm finally starting to "get it".

Thanx Papa for the encouragement... It kept me going!
All my clones have roots.

5 months after my first cloning attempt.
Perlite and Rapid Rooters worked better than the Jiffy pucks.
But all worked great in my little plastic box with perlite surrounding them.

My solution was moisture. LESS IS BETTER.
And very little time under the dome.
Humidity between 50-60%
Temps stayed between 74-78.

Thank you all.
This is the end of this journal.



I don't know what's going on with the photo gallery, but it isn't giving me links anymore and when I do it manually, they don't show up in the post.
How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info! :blushsmile:

If you need any help with posting photos, please read the photo gallery tutorial:
Photo Gallery Guide - How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos

I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!

Sending you lots of positive energy through the Universe.
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