Bad Bill Michigan SB 783


420 Member
Here is a copy of the letter i sent to Gov. Snyder yesterday:

"The move to fast track SB 783 is not something that patients are going to stand for come November. If it is such a problem please tell me why cigarettes are not being put under the same legislation, as I am constantly being barraged by carcinogen spewing cigarette smokers on a daily basis. We know that smoking cigarettes produces second hand smoke and third hand smoke which can never be removed, but the senate of my state is more concerned with patients being seen using medicine than the health of the people of the state.

Sign this bill and I promise you nobody on the medical marijuana program or its supporters will vote for your administration next election cycle. Do you remember how many people voted for the medical marijuana program? The personal beliefs of a select few senators in the pockets of corporations should not be messing with how and where in our own homes we can medicate.

Thank you, I hope I am able to vote for you in the next election."

Please if you are a Michigan resident do the same as me and fire off some emails at the people that worry about being re-elected.

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