Palo Azul for drug testing, Does it work?


New Member
This is a controversial subject to those who don't believe that a tea can clean out your entire urinary system and help you pass a drug test. I should know, I'm the CEO of one of the biggest Palo Azul distributors in North America. I'm also from Denver, Colorado. What I hope to accomplish by this thread is really to take the risk and worry out of marijuana related drug testing. I get many questions about it's potency and how effective is it on a regular basis. Tony Bonito's Palo Azul is very potent and very effective. The same strain of Palo Azul that we sell is the same strain that my wife and I used over 3 years ago when we were trying to get jobs at the time. My wife heard about a Mexican wood that you brewed into tea and that it could clean you out fast. She was told this by a relative of hers. She was also trying to get a job as an R.N I was trying to get a job wherever I could get hired. I didn't believe it would work and totally smashed and bashed it until I saw 1st hand that it worked for her. So of course she was on my a** telling me that if it worked for her that it would work for me. I finally out of desperation I decided to give it a try. I brewed it exactly how she told me and drank it all the morning I was going in for my interview. I got the job I was after but just as expected I had to go in for a drug screen. I must say I was sweating bullets. Long story short. The next day I got the call that I they wanted me to start later that week. Back in those days we were new to the Colorado lifestyle. I grew it and smoked it hardcore. If Palo Azul can work for me and the hundreds of our clients than surely it can work for you if your in this situation. Be well, ask whatever:)
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