Calling all Alaskans! Please help!


New Member
Typical story here, i smoked weed a few weeks ago, and before that had been smoking regularly for 7 months prior. Im pretty chunky, so theres no way id be able to pass a pee test legit, aside from going ketogenic and working out all day everyday. I bought a box of 15 home tests off of amazon, testing myself every couple days, and its still coming out positive for THC.

My test is going to be either on march 6th, or a few days later. Definitely not enough time to pee clean.

Right now, all my bets are on synthetic urine.

Heres where my worries come in to play. Im going into aviation, starting as an aircraft mechanic. Im moving to Alaska for this, so failing this would put me in a huge bind, and likely cause me to lose my federal license, ruining any future in the aviation sector. Im not a huge pothead, but i do enjoy smoking with my family and friends every now and then, but its not a dependence. I went 2 years without smoking, and never craved it, so staying away from it isnt an issue, especially now, with the gravity of my career field, but im boned atm because i have smoked in the last month. I HAVE to pass this, and my life will be pretty much over before it begins if i fail. I cant change what was done in the past, so now ive gotta take what little control over the future i have, into my own hands.

Im just wondering, how do drug tests for pilots and mechanics work? Will they watch me pee? What do they test for?

Thanks in advance for any responses.
Sorry brother, I have no experience with the tests they perform there, however I have quite a bit of experience with "pee tests" in the Army and since no one else has responded...
If dieting and working out isn't your thing; I can respect that. It would definitely help metabolize the THC stored in your fat cells. If that is surely out then hydration prior to the test is alternate. I recommend you keep a few of those at home pee tests to validate this method prior to relying on it for actual test.
First, schedule a date to give yourself a mock test.
Second, drink at a minimum of a gallon and a half of water for three days prior to the test.
Third, the day prior to the test have a nice fatty meal with plenty of salt and fast 12 hours prior to your mock test. The night before your test, drink two to three 8 oz glasses of water before bed.
Fourth, the morning of "mock test" immediately when you wake up drink at least two 8 oz glasses of water then urinate. Wait approximately 1 one hour then take "mock test".
Begin test by urinating the first portion of the stream in the toilet for about five seconds. Collect only the middle portion of the stream in a small cup (approximately 60 ML or about two shots of alcohol worth) to simulate actual test. Do NOT collect the last portion of the stream.
Fifth, use test strip on collection and post result.

I understand this sounds crazy but it can and has worked, however it is a science. You cannot lax nor miss any steps. Good luck to you sir. I hope this helps.

Disclaimer: Drinking too much water can be harmful or fatal. Make sure to have plenty of salts/electrolytes in your system.
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