Sacred herb


New Member
I was first initiated into the mysteries of the Cannabis plant when I was [younger], back in 1972, when a senior in high school. My friend, Terry, had gotten some Vietnamese cannabis from a veteran friend and we decided to toke it up with 2 other friends. I got off immediately and found the experience to be very mind expanding, and then some.

My friend and I had read a little book that suggested hyperventilating to propel one to another level of altered consciousness, so we agreed to give it a go. I took about 10 deep inhalations/exhalations, then held my breath with total trust and the intention to learn from this new experience about to unfold.

Shortly after I let my breath go, I found myself propelled up and out of my physical body at incredible velocity. As I ascended through the cosmos, I found myself breaking through planes of infinite light in succession. Each plane extended into infinity as I passed through it. I finally ascended to a plane of light, the seventh, where I recognized it to be made of the same Golden Light as my astral body. As I entered this plane of Golden Light, my body dissolved and dispersed throughout it, with the immediate recognition arising that I was truly home. I had returned to the source from which my consciousness had originated. This plane of Golden Light was, paradoxically, both a multiplicity of beings, and a singularity of consciousness.

To have come home and consciously recognize my essential nature was ecstatic and fulfilling beyond anything I could have ever imagined. At that point, I felt the particles of my being begin to separate from the plane of Golden Light, rejoin themselves into an astral form, and then begin the descent, back through the other infinite planes of light, until I descended, with a slam, back into my physical body. I turned to my friend and said, "Did you see the Golden Light?" to which he replied, "Huh?" I quickly realized that what I had just experienced was unique to me and was not shared by any of my friends. The gratuitous grace that had bestowed this life-changing experience upon me, had apparently passed by my friends without even being noticed. I have had similar experiences with the sacred mushrooms over the years, and, on a few, rare occasions, the transcendental experience was shared, but by and large, it seems to remain rather elusive and rare in the general population.

Anyone else been so deeply touched by Cannabis?

I have used cannabis through the years to excel my spiritual growth. I have experienced so much about my inner self and universe with the help of cannabis that I can understand why some religions use it as their sacrament. I also do meditation and yoga etc.

Yes, I have been deeply touched by cannabis. To me it is a sacred plant.

The plants actually have a consciousness that I find I can commune with. There is a wonderful book by a Native American mystic about these expanded perceptions available to us. The book is titled, "House of Shattering Light" by Joseph Rael. Joseph has many videos on youtube and I think everyone here will find him inspiring.
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