Looking for a Pulmonary Doctor


New Member
Looking for a Pulmonary Doctor who is willing to provide evidence that Cannabis Oil can help Pulmonary Fibrosis and reduce the growth of tumors in lungs.

My mom was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis and she will not try Cannabis in any form.

Thank you!
Hi SoldierOn,

There is absolutely no scientific evidence from scientist or Doctors of the healing effects of concentrated oils. All other forms might work as a preventive maintenance but only the concentrated oil will not only reduce the tumors but naturally expel the cancer from her body.

My father-in-law who passed away 5-6 months ago had the same thought process. I had him the best meds available and he would only take the high cbd strain so he could remove the pain patches (throwing everything up). He even quit taking that so he could pass away. There is a reason why MJ is a class one scheduled drug. Chemo/radiation is the best they got going right now. Sadly.

No evidence except for those with proof of life. Many who have healed say nothing to no one for fear of job lose or family/friends. Its a mess and people like your mother have to go through the route in place. If this is any good news if chemo fails and she has the will to live there still is a chance if she has any strength left. Hope I didn't come off as being harsh, not my intention, just stating facts as I know them. How old is your mother if I may ask?

Best of luck in your endeavors


Looking for a Pulmonary Doctor who is willing to provide evidence that Cannabis Oil can help Pulmonary Fibrosis and reduce the growth of tumors in lungs.

My mom was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis and she will not try Cannabis in any form.

Thank you!
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