Trying to find H&M or O&H Clinic LA, CA


New Member
im trying to find this clinic next seaple center off olympic ave. so i can get my card. also i heard bout an clinic in hollywood that gives you an 8th with approva thank you!
Re: tryn to find h&m or O&H clinic la,ca

I dount the doctor would give you a 8th thats very illegal. Myabe the doctosrs works out of a co-op and that co-op give you a 8th you're first visit.

Go here Pacific Support Services

Make sure to print the flier from that page for a 420 sponsor discount
Re: tryn to find h&m or O&H clinic la,ca

you mean the co-ops? Where to get you medicene after you get you're doctors recomendation?

Re: tryn to find h&m or O&H clinic la,ca

Ok, first off, you have it a little mixed up.

You need to see a doctor first, who may or may not be at a clinic with other doctors. One clinic we reccomend is Pacific Support Services, they can get you a reccomendation for using Medical Marijuana, they will NOT, however sell you or give you any Marijuana. Be sure to bring information on your condition and previous medical records or prescriptions if you have any.

See this link for the address and information about Pacific Support Services:

Once you have your doctors reccomendation, you need to head down to one of these places to buy your medication, and most of them have deals on marijuana for first time visitors.

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