Our primary care physician afraid to sign


Well-Known Member
Had a routine visit with my wife's primary care physician today and I finally asked if she would recommend medical marijuana for her. (My wife suffers seizures from a traumatic brain injury, as well as chronic pain from the same car accident). I have been growing it for her for well over a year now and she benefits from it greatly and we can say good bye to those nasty Vicodin!
Anyway, thought it would be nice to be legal so I asked her Dr and she agrees that it benefits my wife but she won't sign the form needed as the Attorney General for he state of Arizona has threatened to prosecute physicians that approve it.
Anyone know wtf is going on?
I would greatly appreciate any info on getting her legal. Thanks.
Per Medical Cannabis Network Inc.:

* Has the federal government punished practitioners who recommend medical marijuana?*

No. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled that doctors cannot be punished -- or even investigated -- solely for recommending medical marijuana, because doing so is protected free speech (Conant v. Walters). The U.S. Supreme Court let the decision stand.

*Who can recommend medical marijuana in Arizona?*

Any doctor of medicine, doctor of osteopathic medicine, naturopathic physician or homeopathic physician who is licensed and in good standing in Arizona.
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