How does different light schedules affect brix levels in cannabis plants?


New Member
Like the title says.

Im curious.. How would 16/8, 18/6, 20/4, 24/0 or even GLR (12 on, 5.5 off, 1 on 5.5 off) affect brix levels in cannabis plants?
Short and long term. (throughout each day and at harvest)
And also in flowering at a range from 8 hours of light up to 14 hours of light per day, how would it affect the brix levels?
More light = Higher brix ?? I do not know.

Surely there must be a significant difference between say 16/8 and 24/0?

from my own limited experience with my new refractometer I have observed that brix levels are lower right after the dark period, at lights on, and it climbs during lights on and peaks before lights out only to drop again in the dark.
Does anyone have similar experiences?

How can we manipulate the light/photoperiod to boost/maximise brix levels? Both in the veg-stage, flowering stage and in the final day/days before harvest?

The reason I am asking is because I want to establish the most effective vegetative and flowering light schedule for achieving the highest brix levels possible for maximum growth, health and pest resistance before flipping to flowering and then do everything in my power to maintain and hopefully boost the brix levels further in the flowering stage with the right foliar sprays and nutrient drenches timed correctly.

Food for though;

If I would do multiple side by side grows with every different variation of light schedules listed above and I measured brix levels within every plant (clones taken from the same mother) at the same time of day each time when I measure, same soil, same lights, same nutes etc..

What do you think the results would be? How would each of them affect the brix levels?

Is it crazy to think that there might be a "perfect" light schedule to maximise brix?

Hopefully someone has some good input!
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