What happened here?


New Member

I'm curious how this happened? One stalk on the plant got dry and crinkly leaves and buds...Rather than give too many details to start, what do you guys think happened ?

This next photo shows how my 1100 watts are keeping going what started outside. For a size referrence, the air ducting on the light is 6".

I'm sincerely sorry about the guessing game.

This branch is the farthest away from my one fan. This side of the plant does not get much light/heat. The plants may have gotten a bit dry, but not to the point of wilting. I'm not sure why one branch dried up but not the others? I really have no clue.

I didn't want to give too much info in an effort to not "lead the witness." I wasn't trying to be silly/funny. I won't do it again.

Any ideas on why one branch and not the others on the same plant??
Hows that stem feel... Is it dry, wet and crisp, or soft and slimy? I cant see but is there any powdery substance on the plant? Damage further down the stem? Any recent spraying (oils/feeding/fogging/insecticide)? If it's the farthest from the light it may just be the weakest part of the plant.. and hence the first to show signs of damage.. start checking the usual subjects.. PH., Temps (soil/reservoir/air), PPM/Feeding schedule/Nutrient Values. Look for evidence of pests, or fungi.

*warning, some people say I'm aggressive.

I wouldn't let anything sit and rot on the plant. Keep it clean, and keep it green.
Looks like a dead-air hot spot. No circulation, high heat.

Agreed. It looks like heat damage from a HID light.
Hi everyone,

Very possibly simply from bad circulation. I'm headed out the door to buy another osc fan to add to my system asap!

I'm also going to thin out some of the underbrush for better airflow.

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