Mobile uploading issues

Hi Germy,

We just recently upgraded the gallery, to a newer version that's supposed to have better cell phone interface. If you're still having an issue with uploading, check out this thread to see if your issue has been discussed/resolved there:

Android Phone Having Issues Uploading Photos

You need to first upload the photos to our gallery, the you copy the URL and using the photo insert you reference the photo location in thread.

Forum runner requires you to authorize te iPad to access your photos; have you done this?

Settings > privacy > photos > forum runner > on

If this isn't the issue, please describe exactly which steps you are following and what the result is, I'll try to help you ;)
Forum runner is a great tool for viewing and navigation but in my opinion it's not the right app for working with photos

Suggest you use Safari when uploading. One of the steps in the process requires you to copy the URL and forum runner doesn't show you an address bar ;)
Sorry perhaps I posted in the wrong place, my issue isn't with forum runner, as I don't use it. Just wish that I could upload using my iPad. It's all good though, I can just dust off the laptop when I need to upload. Thanks for providing this terrific forum.

High canman

Using Safari, you can upload using iPad. If you tell me where things break down during the process I'll be glad to help ;)
Sorry Soniq but no dice, but I did post some new pics I hope you'll check out.

Thanks again,

Cannaballs ;)

Where did it break down / what was the error message.

I want to get this fixed not only for your benefit, but also for other iPad users who might find this helpful in the future ;)

This is a real puzzler ;)

Let's verify the settings...

- all updates have been downloaded
- private browsing = off
- accepting cookies = from visited or all
- java script = on
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