Liver Cancer - Can Suppositories Replace Tacking?


New Member
Dear friends, I've just joined the forum but have been intensively reading it for weeks. My head is spinning from the amount of information out there and from fear for my father's health. He was diagnosed with liver cancer 3 months ago and has gone through one session of chemo -- that actually consisted of 3 applications over the past 2 months. He was very optimistic but the results were crushing -- the cancer doubled in size and metastases (small) found on lungs and brain. He just retired last year, just got grandchildren, we'd do anything to get him some more quality life time. We've started with oil that is high in CBD (200 mg/g) and apparently very low in THC and it's administered rectally but not exactly as a suppository, it's injected from a syringe where we put 0.75 g this CBD oil and 0.75 g coconut oil each morning at 7am and each evening at 7pm. The effects for the past 5 days have been that he is very sleepy, barely able to wake up to eat and drink. This approach is based on recommendations from someone who is knowledgeable and very active in MM causes, but I am seeing many different views here and am primarily concerned that we're using the wrong oil. In one of 420 Motoco's posts I read that the oil we need is 60%THC, 4%CBD, 1%CBN. Is that accurate? And if so, could suppository or rectal application from syringe replace the tacking on the gums methods?

Please help. I am exhausted from researching and scared to not take the right approach in treating my dad's cancer. His state is very advanced and the cancer rapid, we only have one shot. Thank you all so much.
I forgot to mention that the first chemo was my dad's choice, but now he fully agrees with the rest of the family in not giving any more chances to the medical establishment to kill him and is on board with the oil approach. We all know now that it's the only way to go, we're just afraid to make a mistake in the choice when purchasing the oil and to make mistake in the form of application.
Hi neigeden, from what I have read tacking is the only way of getting enough cancer healing THC into the CNS to have a chance of curing brain or many other types of cancer. Tacking routes the THC on the shortest vascular path to crossing the blood brain barrier where it is desperately needed to help regulate brain chemistry using the endocannabinoid receptors in the Central Nervous System. I can see an image of Rick Simpson rubbing his oil it on his gums and there is a long thread on this website about tacking. So in my opinion suppositories can augment treatment but tacking should be the primary delivery method for serious cancers as we know it today. Strain selection and dosage is another important factor as well.
They said in the tacking thread and I believe it is THC that is needed by the CNS to do the healing so sativa dominant hybrid strains are typically tacked during the day. The dosage for serious cancers would be to consume up to 1 gram of oil per day. If there is serious pain/inflammation or to induce relaxation and sleep the indica dominate strains are used. Some of the oil can be consumed orally and the longer the oil is decarboxylated at 230 degrees the more sedative effect it will have. So typically 3-4 different strains may be used with a variety of delivery pathways like tacking of the gum, inhalation of smoke or vapor, oil applied directly to the skin, edibles, and suppositories to treat a variety of conditions. Unfortunately some of us cant be so choosy unless it is legal where you live. This is where medical tourism comes into play.
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