Tea made from stems

you should look up tinctures and extracts in homeopathy or herbal medicine
web sites

thc is fat and alcohol soluble more so than plain water so i'd start with a blender chopped smalll stems and water with some oil or high proof vodka added

look up making bubble hash with ice water or cooking with pot for bhang
making receipes

hash uses ice water agitation and strainers to extract pollen/thc nodules
and separate them from water

bhang makes an emulsion of thc with some fat [butter or cooking oil usually
with agitation and heat]

have seen instructions for alcohol base tincture as simple as fill a mason jar with buds fill the jar with high proof vodka or grain alcohol put the top on and place in a dark place for a month shake the jar up every couple days [ again mechanical agitation thc bearing nodules knocked off plant and into liquid]
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