Medical Marijuana Options


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Smoking Medical Marijuana
Brings on Quick relief
Really easy to regulate dosage
Doesn't cost alot of money
Alot of different options

In most cases, not a good choice for anyone with pulmonary damage (lung cancer, emphysema) or asthma
Will make you smell like cannabis smoke

Dosage: Start small! Inhale lightly. There is no need to hold the smoke in your lungs...exhale. Wait a little bit. If you don't feel the desired feeling, or you want to feel more of an effect, take another drag.

Vaping Medical Marijuana
Gives Fast relief.
Easier on lungs than smoking.
Smell does't stay on like smoking does.

Vaping units can be costly.
Battery powered units must be recharged,obviously.
Takes a time to warm up device.

Medical Marijuana Edibles
Gives long-lasting relief
Great alternative for people who don't want to inhale. (Bill Clinton)
Its Food.
Good way to Get Grandma high without her knowing.

Takes awhile to kick in.
Should be kept away from kids and pets
Has a different type high than smoking.

Medical Marijuana Suppositories
Works quickly and lasts long.
Best way to digest.
Have to shove it up your ass,not fun.
Gotta be refrigerated unless its stuck up your ass.
Not really something you would want to tell somebody about.
Those are just some of the ways you can use medical marijuana.

Source: Top US News Stories
Author: John Howe
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