Twisting leaves and pH levels - Help


Well-Known Member
One of my plants in a 100 gallon smartpot outdoor is showing some leaf twisting, and an extremely slight yellowing (it mean all but barely noticeable). I have been on a good feeding schedule with Sea Blast from Earth Juice.

I just PH'ed my soil and my runoff:

Soil is at 6.59 and runoff was at 6.51

The yellowing from my research shows that is most likely a slight iron deficiency, but that is very rare in soil I am told.

Tomorrow I am switching to transition grow to bloom nutes, and using cal mag.

Should I add some iron or wait and see if the cal-mag/flowing nutes resolve it?
I've checked for mites, and I do not have them.

Twisting leaves and yellowing/bronzing of bottom leaves is also a sign of russet/broad mites, you cant see them without a crazy high magnification.. 14x to start but probably not high enough to distinguish if you don't know what to look for. Without access to a scope, check for a rust like color in patches along on your main stem, right above an internode, that is 1000s of them close together that are detectable by the eye
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