Beginner's troubles


New Member
:thumb: Hi everybody,I need some help on why my plants are not doing well like the ones I see people growing "huge buds" I am using both 1000 watt mh and hps bulbs, 1 gallon plastic containers with holes around the bottoms. I use pro mix and an axtra bag of perlite,is that ok? The plants grow great during the veg cycle but after the great flowering start the plants fan leaves start getting yellow and dye off.
I am training plants for 8 main branches that are about 15 inches tall. Is the problem the size of my containers? I took the plant out of the containers to take a look and the roots are not a nice white but are brown and root bound.
I use General Hydroponics solutions with B+ vitamin solution.
All is grown in a grow tent 5 by 5 and 7 ft tall and has fresh are intake and out flow vents. Temp is betyween 75f and 82f ,ph is 6.4 in the water solution I feed with, is that ok? I use to put at 5.4 but was told 6.4 is better.

All help will be greatly appriciated
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