Where Is Cultivation Of Cannabis Legal?

unfortunatly Brazil insists on hypocrits law wich doesn´t allow us to have our own ganja, forcing us to buy with drug dealers. That´s where cops here in Brazil usually earns more money than their own sallary... they charge the deallers for money... so it´s not businnes for the police also government to stop the drug dealers otherwise, their bank accounts will not go bigger !!!
If everyone starts to grow cannabis in Brazil the cops will starve on hungry because they will have no drug dealers to take money from...
That´s why they just get arrested everyone who wants to grow your own bud...
Third world problems bro...
I lived for 1 year in holland... what a country, everythihng works well because they´re not hypocrites (not like in brazil)
What about in your place ?
I know you can grow 1 female plant for personal use in Belgium. In Spain you can also grow for personal use, i'm not sure on the limits.
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