Nute burn

303 GrowUrOwn

New Member
First time grower. I POSTED NUTE BURN BUT NEEDED A LOT OF ADVICE. Did a flush in pot with epsom salt. Plants took it well this was going into week 6 flower. Almost week 7 wanted to know if I should wait the whole 9 weeks (Alien OG) Clone. Like everyone said a good flush and roots will still give stored nutes. Pics are from first post till now today I just put the close up pics of tris
Please let me know 303
I had the axact same problem but unfornatly my last grow never finished well and wasnt even a high off it but look at it this way its learnin curve for us newbie ;)im not bo expert by any means but it looks a little like heat stress aswel maybe im wrong but look abit like it
Thanks and I will definitely take what I can and keep on moving. Hellava first run though gotta say.
I learnt a lot to take on my next run so stay posted. Will also have harvest pics up real soon...
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