A few harvesting questions


New Member
Okay, i've never harvested before, because i haven't been successful enough to get a mature plant. I've read alot about it though so that when the time comes, i'll know how. Here's what I would do as of now if i had a mature plant.
1) Cut the plant way at the bottom of the stem.
2)Go into a dark place (like a basement) and hang them upside-down on a line, but keep them apart to prevent molding.
3)Put a plastic bag or something underneath the line there hanging on so that if any buds fall off, they'll land in the bag and be saved.
4)You will know when there ready to be smoked when you can snap a stem without it bending.

This is what i would have done. Do i have any of this right? If not, don't rip on me, help a brother out man, i need to learn the ways of weed harvesting. It's not a simple matter, it's like an art, right?
yeah thanks man, good luck to you guys, too. Dude, all three of the plants i planted are FEMALE! Hope your's become female, too.
You have to dry the buds slowly......over a week is best...everybody does it differently....the key is slowly.....But never put wet buds in a sealed jar..unless the buds are D R Y.....
:headbanger: Yoa, I have a question,when is the best time of day to harvest ? mid-day ? at noon ?? Or when does the resin reaches it's peak ??:peace:
QUEENBUD00 said:
:headbanger: Yoa, I have a question,when is the best time of day to harvest ? mid-day ? at noon ?? Or when does the resin reaches it's peak ??:peace:

Never really tested it But I bet
Ranger may have noticed somethin' over the Yrs

I take mine at the beginning of the light cycle
because that's when I have the time.
But now days I got nothin' but Time :)
Flowering takes 2 months. When the buds are ripe I don't think it matters what time of day harvest occurs.
To cut labor and the time it takes to dry, I think the best time to harvest is just before it needs watering.

Curing: the buds must be moist for the chemical changes that makes pot taste and smell better and increase potency to occur.
How moist?
As moist as a fine cigar that's been kept in a walk-in humidor. If you don't know how moist that is, go to a tobacconist's and find out; it's hard to explain over the internet.
Everytime you open the jar for 5 minutes during curing the buds lose a tiny bit of moisture; that is good. By the time curing is finished the buds should be at the perfect smoking moisture.

Furthermore, after curing the pot should remain slightly moist, NEVER crispy dry.
When I take a bud out of the big jar. it gets cut-up in a shotglass and sits on my table for a least a few minutes.
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