Why Should I Grow Using Hybrid Bioponic Nutrients?

I am aware this is a very old post, but there is indeed very little on the internet to find about "BioPonics". Why, I have no idea!
I think the concept is very interesting.

It's basically hydroponics w/ organic nutrients and microorganisms. The advantage is, fast grow like in hydro....but taste and flavor like in soil. I don't know whether "compromise" would be the right expression because this sounds like it's worse than either soil or hydro...but from the little I read it actually sounds it's better.

Plants will grow as fast like in Hydro with the same taste and flavor like growing organic, because you ARE growing organic.
The only disadvantage is (what they say) 15%-20% less yield, but this is clear since Hydro and mineral high-end nutes will always favour growth/yield over flavor/taste.

In other words: This "bioponics" would be for all those people who basically like the idea of growing in Hydro but want taste/flavor like from growing organic in soil.

Not bad if you ask me.
Big problem is that organic nutrients dont feed plants, they typically feed micro organisms that break down the organic compounds into smaller, more readily available versions that the plant can uptake. Hydroponic nutrients are designed to feed the plants directly, without the extra step of compound degradation. In essence, the organic compounds can actually impede the plants ability to uptake the mineral nutes. really depends on the combination you use, but nowadays, if i am growing anything other than organic soil, i run zero organics, as i find that a completely sterile root zone works best for me indoors.
Big problem is that organic nutrients dont feed plants, they typically feed micro organisms that break down the organic compounds into smaller, more readily available versions that the plant can uptake.


nowadays, if i am growing anything other than organic soil, i run zero organics, as i find that a completely sterile root zone works best for me indoors.

Yes. It's nice to be able to add H2O2 when desired without worrying about killing off root-zone microbial life, to run mad levels of DO (dissolved oxygen) in the nutrient reservoir without having to deal with growing slime, to not walk in and gag from the "organic" smell that went berserk while you were out, to...

I won't say that a hydro-organics setup is more trouble than it is worth, because everyone determines what things are "worth" - to them - individually. But it IS... a lot of trouble, IMHO.

If I'm going to go, err, batsh!t, lol (and birdsh!t, et cetera), I'm also going to do it in a soil environment. Soil will support microbial life. A sterile hydroponics environment is the antithesis of that.

You can still do something of this nature. Your organic soup need not ever come in contact with your hydroponic reservoir. IIRC, people have had good results in using the output of a microbial whatchamacallit as a supplement(*). <SHRUGS> I think, with a complete hydroponic nutrient regime, that this is largely unnecessary. But to each his, her, or its own....

(*) And I believe that some nutrient companies may actually do this when creating their nutrients (or some portion/part of them).
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