Nitrogen deficiency help please!


New Member
alright. heres my problem my leaves are drying from the veins, like where the shine is on the leaves its like the shine is breaking up from the veins, i have dark green leaves and a touch of purple stem, man in the grow shop said nitrogen deficiency, and gave me canna mono nitrogen, im hesitating a bit weather to use it or not, iv tried it on one plant first.. to see the outcome, but i dont think i am lacking nitrogen, i think its had to much, or maybe a touch of burn but they are only on 20ml a&b, im growing in canna coco coir, canna a&b rhizotonic.. 600w lights temp 24 degrees.. ph was 5.8 but guy in shop told me to up it to 6.2 but now my leaves are drying out and the tops seem a bit pale on some.. not all, they are all dark green tho.. any help would be appreaciated thanx in advance..
Re: Nitrogen deficiency help please!!!!

I just want to know how to get rid of the nitrogen deficiency.. do i lower the feed, or flush an lower the feed then step it back up slowly..
Re: Nitrogen deficiency help please!!!!

hey whats up stoned2470- nitrogen def. will actually be light green leaves....dark green could be a few things including too much nitrogen. get some pics up so someone might help you.
Re: Nitrogen deficiency help please!!!!

I just want to know how to get rid of the nitrogen deficiency.. do i lower the feed, or flush an lower the feed then step it back up slowly..

Do a search....there's tons of info out there....just read. But, for now, here you go.

Solution to fixing a Nitrogen deficiency

Avoid excessive ammonium nitrogen, which can interfere with other nutrients. Too much N delays flowering. Plants should be allowed to become N-deficient late in flowering for best flavour.
A goof solid N-P-K ratio will fix any nitrogen deficiency. Any chemical or organic fertilizers that have Nitrogen in them will fix a nitrogen deficiency., Peters all purpose plant food 20-20-20 is good, Miracle grow All purpose plant food, Miracle grow Tomato plant food, (Only mixing at ½ strength when using chemical nutrients, or it will cause nutrient burn!) as well and blood meal! If you need to give your plants a quick solution to nitrogen and you want to use blood meal, I suggest making it into a tea for faster use, where blood meal is slow acting, but when made into a tea it works quicker! Other sources of nitrogen are dried blood, Cotton seed meal which is slow acting, Insect eating bat guano which is fast acting. Bone meal which is a gradual absorption when not made into a tea.( also excellent source of phosphorus). Fish Meal Or Fish Emulsion is a good source of nitrogen and is medium acting. Worm castings, which is gradual absorption. Seabird guano, All purpose Millennia Seabird guano, Original Seabird guano All Purpose, Crabshell ,which is slow absorption. Fox Farm Grow Big, which is fast acting. ( can bring down your ph as well)
Here are a list of things that help fix a Nitrogen Deficiency:

Chemical Nutrients

Advanced nutrients Grow (2-1-6)
Vita Grow (4-0-0),
BC Grow(1.2-3.2-6.5)
GH Flora Grow (2-1-6)
GH Maxi grow (10-5-14)
GH floraNova grow (7-4-10),
Dyna gro Grow (7-9-5)

Organic Nutrients

Dr. Hornby's Iguana Juice Grow (3-1-3)
Advanced Nutrients Mother Earth Grow (1.5-.75-1.5)
Earthjuice Grow (2-1-1),
Pure Blend Pro (3-1.5-4)
Bone Meal(0-10-0)
Blood Meal(12-0-0)
Fish Emulsion (5-1-1)
Seabird Guano (11-13-3)
Crab Shells(2.5-3.0-.5)
Pure Blend Grow (0.4-.01-.5)
Marine Cuisine (10-7-7)
MaxiCrop Seaweed (1-0-3)
Super Tea (5-5-1)
Mexican Bat Guano (10-2-0)
Sea Island Jamaican Bat Guano (1-10-0)
Kelp Meal (1-0-2)
Seaweed Plus Iron
Neptune's Harvest (2-4-0.5)
Alaska Start-Up(2-1-2)
Bio-Grow (1.8-0.1-6.6)
Age old Grow (12-6-6)
AGE Old Kelp (.30-.25-.15)
Neptune's Harvest (2-4-1)
Maxicrop Seweed(.1-0-1)
METANATURALS Organic grow (3-3-3)
METANATURALS Organic nitrogen (16-0-0)

So adding anyone of these above should fix up your nitrogen deficiency! Nitrogen deficient plants usually recover in about a week, affected leaves will not recover.

Now if you added to much chemical nutrients and or organics, (which is hard to burn your plants when using organics) you need to flush the soil with plain water. You need to use 2 times as much water as the size of the pot, for example: If you have a 5 gallon pot and need to flush it, you need to use 10 gallons of water to rinse out the soil good enough to get rid of excessive nutrients. Soluble nitrogen (especially nitrate) is the form that's the most quickly available to the roots, while insoluble N (like urea) first needs to be broken down by microbes in the soil before the roots can absorb it.
Re: Nitrogen deficiency help please!!!!

i dont think my problem is not enough nitrogen i think they have had to much.. so if i flush the soil, i am giving therm 20ml a&b what should i give them after the flush 10ml? an step it back up slowly.. ? il try to put pics up within the week, so if you could keep an eye out on here for when i put thew pics up much apreaciated..
Re: Nitrogen deficiency help please!!!!

what would you say the reason for the leaves drying, not badly, but they do feel dry not as moist as they were, an they do look pretty healthy just the drying and the overall dark colour, and a bit of purple stem..
Your running in canna coco, so basically your running a passive hydro system. Drop your ph back down to 5.8 with a light nute flush, like 50% strength and see how they look after a couple days.

Dark green leaves mean too much N not a def. Also what are your temps like? 60's will cause purplish stems as well as genetic traits.

I think if you do a 50% solution or lighter give them a few days to relax and get them back on to a normal dose. Without seeing a pic I'd guess your high in N and low in something else which is where the ph issues are going to start. Find a ph table that tells you which nutes are locked out in hydro @ 6.2 and you'll probably find what your lacking. Or atleast that's where I'd start l.
What stage of growth are your plants in? Wingman is right, sounds like Mg deficiency. Don't worry about the PH too much as long as you're in the target area. 5-6 is good for veg, 5.5-7 is good for flower. Go get some Mg additives and hit them hard with that. Plants really can't have too much Mg, what they don't need, they don't use.

Nitrogen deficiency will start with bottom leaves yellowing first, then the yellowing will continue up.
i av got yellowing from the bottom up.. not on em all.. il try wha you said with adding some mg.. i have already flushed/leached with quarter strength nutrient.. iv done a little more digging into it an think i maybe experiencing some ph flucuation, dont hold me to that tho.. just what iv been told because i haven't been leeting water stand and it aint been at room tempurature so il give both a bash.. thanx for your imput, il try put some pix up asap give you a better idea.. thanx again ;-)
local shop told me to keep ph to 6.1 in veg.. 5.8 in flower.. drying of the leaves was heat stress i think.. they seemed to perked up a little bit.. im gona pot em on see what they look like in a week or so..
also its not just purple leaf stems its also purple lines going up the main stem? and its not strain traits, my mate is doing the same and his are green strain big buddha cheese.. so give me your 2cents on that aswell please.. thanx..
The local shop is wrong. PH should be lower during veg than flower. Next time you're there, explain to them plants need more N during veg, and more P and K during flower. N is taken up in the 5.5-7 PH range. P&K are taken up at a higher PH, 6-7. Not only did they give you the wrong info, they are now stressing you out about keeping an exact PH within the tenths.

This is a cool troubleshooting chart to refer to. Its hard without pics but I still think its Mag deficiency, and possibly lacking some N.The Grow Boss Las Vegas
Here are some pics of one of my plants that is N and Mag deficient. Maybe this will help some.



Here are some pics of one of my plants that is N and Mag deficient. Maybe this will help some.




Hi pall ive just had this myself on my white widow in veg , i wasnt letting chlorine evaporate out of the water before i added mi nutrients , this was throwing the ph out n I filled a container with water left for 24hours added nutrients n ph.d to 5.8 , got my temp at 70 and humidity to 75 , after two days they were lookin well again , ph is usually what causes the probs and inturn then it locks out the nutrients showing all types of symptoms , rule of thumb allways get ph spot on for a few days and they will start lookin up, if ph is out a one level it will lock out one nutrient , as ph slips it locks out each nutrient . Its easy to get into a spin n re mixing nuts n addind more of this n that , jusv do ph spot on and watch carefully t takes a few days to show affects .
Hi pall ive just had this myself on my white widow in veg , i wasnt letting chlorine evaporate out of the water before i added mi nutrients , this was throwing the ph out n I filled a container with water left for 24hours added nutrients n ph.d to 5.8 , got my temp at 70 and humidity to 75 , after two days they were lookin well again , ph is usually what causes the probs and inturn then it locks out the nutrients showing all types of symptoms , rule of thumb allways get ph spot on for a few days and they will start lookin up, if ph is out a one level it will lock out one nutrient , as ph slips it locks out each nutrient . Its easy to get into a spin n re mixing nuts n addind more of this n that , jusv do ph spot on and watch carefully t takes a few days to show affects .

That isn't the original posters plant. This plant I know is N and Mag deficient because I purposefully waited to see a deficiency before I upped nutes. I was using this as an example. I use R.O. water from the store.

You are correct about letting the water sit to let chlorine evaporate out. It is thought that chlorine kills all the important living things in the soil. You should still check the ppms of your tap as it may be high.

Its ok for ph to fluctuate some, and it takes A LOT of issues to cause lockout. Think of cannabis that grows outdoors. The PH isn't always perfect for them. I really don't think PH is his/her problem here.
Hi all, i know this is an ancient thread but have a N deficiency question and thought someone on here might be able to help.

So, i have a couple of ladies showing obvious signs of significant N deficiency, it's developed over the last 1-2 weeks, and looks just like in the pics posted previously. I've read in a couple of places that N deficiency is bad in veg, but is ok towards the end of flower (apparently lower levels of N at time of harvest is desirable for a better smoke).

The thing is, i'm only just 6 weeks into flower, i have at least another 3-3.5 weeks of flower yet. I'll have some nitrogen additive tomorrow. My question is, do i leave them as they are for the last few week, or, should i try to correct the N deficiency? Will the N deficiency, at this stage in the grow, effect my yield? On the other hand, if I try to correct it, will it leave a bad taste in my buds?

Cheers in advance guys
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