High from South Africa


420 Member
Hello Everyone.

Im sadha, this is my first post here, I have been reading this forum for the past week and I am very surprised at the wealth of information available for growing your own plant.
I have been smoking weed for about 5 years now. Im quite tired of the Durban Poison and Swazi strains, I would like to grow my own now. Especially when my dealers are giving my less now for a R50 bankie, they saying its the recession, lol.
Anyway looking forward to you guys replies on this thread and my future ones.

Have a nice Day :thumb:
-Tjena tjena! (Hi), it's just to order some seeds you are curius on then and start! :welcome:

It's just one thing to think of at the start at ones carrier and that is; -don't nurse them to death! ..its easy as "rookie" to drown them in water or burn them with nutes. Start simple and begin with soil as medium, by far easiest..
Hi SwedishCloset

Thanks for the advice. I have ordered some seeds, hopefully it will come thru, then I can start my first grow journal and also my first attempt.
Hey sadha, :welcome: to 420 Magazine!

I think you’ll find this is the best mmj community out there...dedicated to spreading awareness of the benefits of Cannabis. :thumb:

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Hi there, first time posting pics etc today. Located in SA. I hear you, S. Decided to grow my own as well, but couldn't afford to buy from overseas seedbanks (or even local seedbank...)
Anyway, decided to begin with bagseed (felt i needed to practise a bit before i bought & fudged up expensive girls... ) now in 3rd year of growing. Learned A LOT from mistakes I made with cheap bagseed - still learning! Would recommend trying with free seeds first (unless you have money to burn). MJ is not like growing roses or beans.
Smoked my girls, even 1st time grow with bazillions of seeds(properly dried & cured) smoked better than the "good quality" available from the taxi rank rastas.

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