Skin Cancer Survivor - Data Scientist & Product Designer Here


New Member
Hey guys I was diagnosed with skin cancer a few years ago, 5 surgeries later and with the replacement of most of my abdominal wall going up to my chest on the left side it's left me in sever pain ( they say for the rest of my life ). I have this mesh nonsense inside of me acting as my muscle. I founded a data driven, AI company that builds apps.

One of the apps we're working on will allow any grower to snap a picture of their plant and identify the specific disease and offer up a treatment tied to that disease.

Pretty psyched about it...weed has saved my life I was on 7 diffrent medications, 3 were even fuckin counterfeit and I had severe reactions to several, bleeding from all of my holes and I was going to develop brain damage. Weed changed all of this, I can actually work 24/7 because of it.

I love you all, keep up the good fight!
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