Attack Of The Sour Diesel Clones


Well-Known Member
I hadn't planned on taking clones from my very first grow, but Dianna (sour diesel bag seed) is such a great success I didn't want to miss out on more of her. She is super sticky and stinky... pistils and tricomes galore!! :cheer:

Three clones were cut 25 days ago when the mother was 2 weeks into 12/12 (pretty much as soon as we knew she was a she) Pistils had already started but I took very small cuttings from the very bottom. I only really wanted 2 and didn't expect all 3 to survive, so a friend took one off my hands. :high-five:

This is my first time having clones, so I'm following others' journals and posts for advice, knowledge and ideas (shout out to InTheShed for the inspiration to clone). :thanks: I plan to scrog the them in the tent once the big gals are done; until then (early-mid Dec, I hope) they will have to live in the closet under T5 florescent. Their roots have reached the bottom of the solo cup, so this week I will put them in their "forever" home - one will be a 5 gallon felt pot with coco and the other a 3 gallon hempy. Nutes will be GH Flora trio.

Apparently I don't know how to upload pics on the laptop so I'll do that from my phone/the app separately :helpsmilie:
Apparently I don't know how to upload pics on the laptop so I'll do that from my phone/the app separately :helpsmilie:

Three babies


They are pretty short but are as deep as they are tall (does that make sense?!)


Early, not more than a few days old.


These were taken this weekend




Subbed! Nice and green and cute and little. Let the fun begin :)
I had to look at pics from the beginning.... They didn't seem to be doing anything but they have grown a bit. I cut some dead looking bits off and now they're both lopsided but I'm not too worried about it. I'm excited to get them scrogged but the big girls need to get harvested first. At least 3 more weeks. Oh and they need to grow a bit first
I left town for 9 days, leaving the girls in my mom's care. She was nervous but I assured her it would be fine as long as she followed the instructions written in the day planner I promised a cut of everything that survives and the incentive worked as intended ✌

The clones have more than doubled in size but the leaves look weird.... 1 and 3 fingered.



They are still alive and growing so I'm not overly concerned. They are 42 days old and I don't really know what to expect. I topped them tonight

I repotted them before the vaca and I thought the roots looked good.


I'm growing in coco and using GH Flora trio at 1/4 strength until I just bumped it up to 1/2. They will have to live under the T5 florescent until the big girls are harvested.

Would it be beneficial to put them in the tent during the day? It's got a 1000 HPS.
Would it be beneficial to put them in the tent during the day? It's got a 1000 HPS.
Don't worry about finger count they will recover and sick those babies into 3gal pots then under the big lights.

Probably transition them in over a couple of days rather than straight from the T5s to 12 hours under the HPS! I'm giving my AK-47 clone transplant 4 days to get used to full sun. Don't want to burn something still working on that kind of root development.
Probably transition them in over a couple of days rather than straight from the T5s to 12 hours under the HPS! I'm giving my AK-47 clone transplant 4 days to get used to full sun. Don't want to burn something still working on that kind of root development.
The original plan is to keep them under T5 until the big ones are harvested (only a couple more weeks!!) Then we'll drop the HPS to 600 for vegging the clones.
I just ordered some sour d seeds amongst others! I'll hang around for the ride. Will be cool to see what I'm getting in to.
We clipped a bud from the mom (just because we couldn't wait any longer and a branch conveniently snapped!) It was 9.4 g wet and got down to 3.6 in two days. With no curing, it's still quite tasty!

We clipped a bud from the mom (just because we couldn't wait any longer and a branch conveniently snapped!) It was 9.4 g wet and got down to 3.6 in two days. With no curing, it's still quite tasty! .


That looks delicious! Nice! .. I'm anxiously waiting for my seed order lol.
That looks delicious! Nice! .. I'm anxiously waiting for my seed order lol.
She was grown from a bag seed so I was a bit skeptical of the claim of strain.... but we picked up some at a shop and it's the same!! I'm super happy with it and imagine I'll be knocked out by it once it's fully cured ✌
The clones have more than doubled in size but the leaves look weird.... 1 and 3 fingered.

They are still alive and growing so I'm not overly concerned.

The SD clones continue to grow and are looking much better. I'm quite pleased and think they are ready for the 5 gallon felt pots. I'll transplant this weekend.




Looking nice and healthy! Now I'm glad your clones are ahead of mine so I can follow behind in your tire tracks :)
Only thing I've really done right is neglect them I'm rather surprised they're doing so well.
A dip in honey then fed with clonex (in coco) and covered with plastic. Cal mag and light nutes once roots are set; T5 florescent. Temps have been mid-upper 60s and humidity a little low around 60% though it's boosted a bit with the morning showers.
The clones got a little love this weekend.... moved into their 5 gallon forever homes. They still have to stay in the T5 closet until their mom is ready to harvest (7-10 days I hope)









Their mom is 10.5 weeks in flower and has been on trich watch
I've seen a handful but not nearly enough to translate to a percentage. We cut off a couple branches (120 g green w/o stems) to have a bit to compare.... and to depressurize some of the patience!!

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