Cannabis legalization - Too good to be true?


New Member
Well yeah, at least in my country, Indonesia.

I'm an active cannabis smoker since 5 years ago and I have no intention to quit. not in the near future.
I always believe that marijuana / cannabis / weed / ganja / pot whatever you call it, is harmless. It has the lowest addiction rate compare to any other hard drugs out there. In fact, cannabis heals.

That's why thousands or millions of potheads across the world are shouting and gaining support from everyone / everywhere possible to advocate the legalization effort, to change the so-called government system into a more weed-friendly regulation. Because we are quite confident that if only the government would act a bit less like an ass and put them shit together, there'll be doors of opportunities for business and economic growth in a certain country. Legalization doesn't mean we allow everyone to use it irresponsibly. Legalizing is regulating the flow of supply, make a law out of it not just simply arrest someone who's just laying around listening to 420 playlist in their room while munching on a bag of chips peacefully. Am I right people?

Sadly, this still happens everywhere including in Indonesia. Some of you may have known that there's this beautiful area located on the tip of Sumatra Island (Aceh) that has been NATURALLY becoming one of the largest marijuana plantation since God knows when (because He's the one who managed it at the first place). Heaven, right?

If our government is smart and open enough, we can totally be one of the world's best marijuana producers just like what they did in Colorado. Unfortunately, I must admit that I'm living in a quite fucked up country. There's a lot (i mean A LOT) of unsolved problems waiting in line. Not to mention those religious freaks who has this conventional perspective about the plant. Why? because the government has stated that marijuana is as dangerous as meth, heroin, cocaine, etc and people actually buys it. People believe what the government told them. Without any further curiosity to explore more, just to be smarter you know. This is just plain sad.

Amongst all those conventional-minded people, there are several organization who fights for cannabis legalization to happen. Lingkar Ganja Nusantara (LGN) Legalisasi Ganja - Lingkar Ganja Nusantara
I'm quite delighted to discover these like-minded people fighting to regulate the consumption and supply of marijuana in Indonesia. But then again, we are still standing on a grey area and have no idea whatsoever about how this war will end since the issue has not been raised quite often by the media, let alone the government.

It's like they have been screaming out but no one listens.
Because most people close their ears and deny the truth.
Because the doctrine of Ganja is narcotics has been stuck in their little brain.

Well, if only they smoke a puff or two,
Imagine what amazing breakthrough we all can do.

Peace out from Indonesia

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