Question on mixing soil! Help please!


New Member
Okay, I've got a quick question for someone. I am in the process of mixing up some new soil, so it's not a super soil, it's a budget soil, LOL. But it'll get me through this Harvest until I can upgrade to something better. I got 2 cubic foot of a local organic garden mix, 1 cubic foot of perlite, 5 lb bag of earthworm castings, I also have bone meal, kelp meal, iron tone, and a fast start ( all of which are granular). I have already mixed the soil, perlite, earthworm castings, and 1 and 1/2 cup of a bone meal (4-12-0).

My question is this, do I need to allow this to cook off?

I will be transplanting some clones with huge established roots into this soil as well as some mature plants. The strain is Skywalker OG by DNA Genetics and it is a pretty heavy feeder but I don't wanna burn up the younger clones.

In the past I have planted immediately into the soil mix by I can't recall the amount of bone meal previously used. I just wanna cover my ass and not fry the little girls. And when I say little, they are several weeks old, have been topped, and are healthy.

Please help!
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