Foxfarm nute burn & flush questions


New Member
after seedling transplant i started using foxfarm ocean farm soil .. it said to wait 2 weeks to start using thier nutes .. big bloom was ok thou every other water n grow big / for veg once a week after 2 weeks .. i started getting light nute burn on the tips early using just the big bloom .. i did make the mistake of using table spoons instead of teaspoons but i only used the basic amount of 4 instead of the large of 6 .. im guessing the soil was fine for way longer then 2 weeks /ive herd online as long as 1m with the pre nutes it comes with .. so im gonna flush next watering . im still only in the first 2weeks of new soil so after my flush should i just do water for the remaining week or 2 or will i get a clean slate n be able to use bolth nutes ????? because the flush got rid of everything in the soil ......thanks
No it doesn't.
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