How to get approval for and get involved in a non friendly MMJ state?


New Member
Hi all,
I am new here. A little info on myself, I am a small business owner, conservative/ libertarian, mother. I realize that this combo doesn't really match what I am about to ask, but I want people to know that there are conservatives out there that value the beautiful qualities and many benefits of not only cannabis but of the male strain hemp.
I have a few questions that I'd like to get answered. I live in Wyoming and it's not a MMJ friendly state, however it is an ag state, and heavily so. I am trying to get a group together that would help to educate the populace on the benefits of not only Cannabis but also hemp, especially since we are in a severe drought, and some strains of Hemp are extremely drought resistant. I am not sure how to get a sanctioned activist group started in my area, and I would be more inclined to start one that panders to the more, shall we say, conservative blue collar farmers and church goers. I am interested in starting a reform of the way that Cannabis is presented and talked about, I want people to see the many natural and medicinal benefits of cannabis, as well as the economic stability that hemp can offer a economically down turned area. Any ideas or information on this would be most appreciated.
I look forward to being able to offer some insight and gain some knowledge from this community.
Peace to all. MCK
Hey! I'm new here, too! I'm Elle. I'm 24, live in the Bible Belt of Alabama, am a practicing Buddhist, an Independent Libertarian and also find it appalling that no one will stand up with me to get Alabama to change their laws concerning MMJ. I began a group/community type thing, hoping that I could get enough people involved to found a local NORML Chapter and advocate the benefits of medicinal marijuana.

I am really sick. I have a lot of hereditary conditions that were brought on early by an autoimmune disease and worsened when my doctors put me on a ton of pills to cover my symptoms up. The degeneration of several musculoskeletal regions and abnormal cell growth has exploded in the past few years. My liver is failing, and the narcotics that I have to take to be able to eat are killing me even faster. I don't understand why my doctors aren't seeing that.

I've lived in Alabama my entire life. I want to make it a better place. I thought that if I figured out how to do it, others may follow, but so far it's not looking good. People are just too scared to exercise the freedom of speech that they have because of the law enforcement. I'm too sick for them to do much of anything to me. If you took my age off my medical records, you'd think I was 90... I thought maybe having a story, and a kinda sad one at that, would help others realize that Alabama doesn't always have to be the last to change... Always!

I realized that everyone in my generation that would have the power to make this change were moving away to states that had already passed MMJ laws. This is creating an even more closed minded and ignorant state. It's miserable living here and it's going to be even more miserable for future residents. I didn't want to move for the same reason, but I'm just too sick to fight it here. I don't think I'll live long enough. Even if I kept at it, I would die trying. To die trying isn't that bad, but wasting away hoping for other residents to help me make change that a lot of them support (even if they don't use MMJ themselves) is meaningless.

If you hear anything, let me know. I'm literally dying here waiting. I'm in the disability process now. My lawyer is working on my appeal as of now. As soon as that goes through, I'm leaving. I refuse to be miserable here forever. There's so much more I want to do in life than fight something I'm not strong enough to.

I have heard that there are ways to get MMJ even if you do not live in a MMJ state, but I'm not sure how. I think it may have something to do with clinical trials and studies and all that. I think I'm going to try looking into that. Clinical trials are kinda tricky to find; the qualifications are pretty specific... But, there may be some open now to test how Cannabis affects patients suffering from certain conditions. I know that there is a lot more research going on due to the fact that marijuana does have numerous therapeutic qualities.

Try contacting your insurance company to see if they can provide you with any info about trials you may qualify for. On my insurance web site is where I've seen the most studies in one place. You could also try asking your doctor if you feel comfortable with it.
OP, is there any legislation that is pending? You can check Vote Hemp: Information: Political: Legislation

If there isn't anything already, maybe see if there is a NORML chapter in your state, and find out if there is anything in the works. I now live in a state that is working on a petition that will BYPASS the legislature provided that we can get the required number of signatures in order to get this placed on the ballot.

I do find that when dealing with rural areas, talking about the benefits of hemp seems to appeal to their hearts rather than talking about MMJ.
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