Moving outside trigger?


New Member
is there any issue going from 18 light inside to less hours outside sunlight in early spring? someone said they started some inside early march and got to be about a foot high before they were able to get them outside-but then 4-5 weeks later males started showing up and they figured the decrease in light triggered the flowering even though the days are still getting longer-but i read on here a similiar question and the answer seemed to be that the plants would stay in veg state-do u think the plants will follow nature and grow till end of summer or continue flowering and be done much earlier?

can babies be taken from mothers grown under 18 hours light over winter and put out early spring in less hours sunlight and not be triggered into flowering? and does the size of the babies matter? someone mentioned something about the 7th node-is there a growth point after which the plant will be triggered-like if sexually mature? or does size not natter-only hours of light?

thanks very much-i greatly appreciate any help/advice suggestions-thanks!
Most marijuana plants flower because of the photoperiod. To flower, cannabis needs 12 hours of continual dark. There are some exceptions, but they are stll quite rare.

So, your babies will start to flower if they are moved outside while the days are short. However, if you have 14 hours of light or so, you can take the cuttings and they might root and last until the days get longer. Or you could grow your clones under a compact fluorescent lamp (an energy saving lightbulb).

Cuttings are very hardy, just jump in the deep end and give it a go!

ps, Indole Buturic Acid or other clone gels or powders really do work wonders for helping clones grow roots. There is plenty of literature on this site and others, as well as some books that are full of information.

Grow well!
Thanks Grandma-i really appreciate the info-went through 1st year education last year and learned well-just the less light issue from going outside didn't have experience with and worried if was possible and how done-thanks again!
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