Holy spider mites! I think

sour tommy

New Member

Yikes..I chopped this a week ahead of schedule because of these mites again.. A diatomaceous earth bombing ensued... This is half of one of five main colas.. I always wondered how she gave me 5 on my fim
Re: Holy spider mites.!.I think..

That's like one of those trick photos where you're looking so hard for one thing that you fail to see the obvious.

You have aphids. Release the Kraken! Or in this case, the ladybugs. :)
Re: Holy spider mites.!.I think..

Yep, aphids. Need some safers soap or similar. And a spray bottle,, not the cheapest kind. And persistence, some of that as well. They are dirty sap suckers them things.

Re: Holy spider mites.!.I think..

Did you use food grade diatomaceous earth?
Heard that regular DE can be toxic..
I fed my pups food grade diatomaceous earth, instead of using de-wormer and NO worms..Vet was astonished..
That made me laugh. I can only imagine 1000 ladybugs crawling out of your tent and taking up residence in your home or garage.

DE is good but it isn't very fast. The aphids have to come into contact with it and suffer enough scratches that they desiccate. Pull out the big chemical guns and blow them all to hell.
Pick Them off with tweazers and have an awesome lunch sandwich.. lmao...

no no no ... do not do that ..unless your crazy.

Just curious what was your Humidity at as to high will cause bugs to come?
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