New Growth Leaf Curl


New Member
I'm growing 3 varieties outdoors: Skunk, Blueberry and White Widow. This leaf curl began on the Skunk and now a couple of the White Widow have it. So far the 4 Blueberries are not affected.
Could someone ID what's going on and of course any cures!

These plants are directly in the ground. I'm using an old vegetable garden area supplemented with steer manure compost.

What about water what are you using to water?
It's been over 100°f everyday where I am in NM. i don't know if the heat would make your plants do that or not. And our city water is loaded with chlorine. I have to let my tap water set out for a couple days so the chlorine will evaporate out of it before I ever put it on my plants.
Been growing here 20 years, just started seeing this last couple / few years. Read somewhere about it maybe being bad bacteria in the soil so last year I treated with "good" bacteria I bought but no help.
I was using infant water and didnt realize that the water was really high in alkaline it was like 8.2 and was making my leaves curl but they were still green... so i adjusted it between 6.0 to 6.8 now there doing great... check the ph before watering them... hope this helps...
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