Cleaning volcano vaporizer liquid pad


New Member
Hey, I looked all around, but couldn't find a good answer for this. The title says it all, mostly. I prefer pot, but I had to go for some hash this time. I use the liquid pad (steel wool-thing) for this, so it doesn't melt and drip inside the vaporizer. However, now the stuff is stuck to the pad. It's all sticky and impossible to brush off. I imagine putting the liquid pad in alcohol should do the trick, but I've seen several warnings against this, so I'm reluctant to try. I guess if there's any alcohol left when I use the pad in the vaporizer again, things might get ugly.

So what do I do? Maybe put the pad into boiling water afterwards to get all the alcohol out of it? Hope someone can help me. If this is in the wrong forum, I'm sorry.
I resolved it, using my own brain. Hot water took care of most of it. Note: Try to think of something first, and if it doesn't work, ask for help. Not the other way round!
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