Will we still be alive to see positive changes?


New Member
many sad songs are written, many rot in jail, separated from opportunities, dreams, raising families, because they dared to use a mild and peaceful plant to enjoy in their leisure or just to kill pain. the law begrudges the masses a harmless substance while it drives real addiction from prescription drugs, booze to harmful drugs further into the mainstream of families.
honesty is needed at government and leadership levels to admit that money is the reason to not allow weed to be free. procecution and eradiction has not worked yet no changes are being made as long as there is money changing under the table between smugglers and dealers, judges, and jailers.

as the old song goes "ALL I WANT IS THE TRUTH", if the concern is to keep the masses from harming themselves with poisons and addictions, then leave pot alone and use all your energy and our tax money to eradicate methemphedamine and other harmful killers and remove their dealers from society. only then we would restore the trust of the public toward law enforcement and our leaders.
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