I invite constructive criticism. My problem is that my little corner of the world is still blind to the benefit of cannabis. So naturally I'm very cautious. It took me 7 months to actually post a comment.

well I am in the same boat.
still illegal.
as long as you are "clean" in the shots.. no nature..or anything showing to where you are.. you are fine :)
I will try to get some picks up soon. She's almost 4 weeks of 12/12 and is only a bag seed because I'm to afraid to order lol.......

You start a journal here: Journals in Progress
and upload pictures to forum Login - 420 Magazine Photo Gallery
and then add them to your posts by pressing the camera you see in reply box (3rd from the end)

We all have the panic. I have a few tips for you though.....
relax :) and help will come
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