Louisiana Voters Overwhelmingly Support Medical Marijuana


The Louisiana Cannabis Association recently commissioned a poll by JMC Enterprises, revealing that a full 72% of Louisiana voters favor the legalization of medical marijuana. Key poll findings include:

  1. Louisianan voters overwhelmingly support allowing patients to receive medical marijuana. 72% agree that medical marijuana should be available for these patients and only 13% oppose such usage. The remaining 15% are undecided.
  2. The legalization of marijuana for medical use has wide bipartisan support. 70% of Democrats and 67% of Republicans are in favor. Support for legalization also crosses gender and racial lines; 75% of male voters, and 69% of female voters in favor.
  3. 37% favor expanding sanctions to include recreational use along with medical use. 37% favor sanctioning marijuana only for medical use and 20% oppose sanctions for any form of marijuana.

“These results demonstrate the widespread endorsement of medical marijuana among Louisiana voters,” said Jesse McCormick of the Louisiana Cannabis Association.

These results came just days after a bill to extend the use of medical marijuana to those with serious medical conditions such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, seizure disorders, and epilepsy passed through the Louisiana State Senate. The bill, SB 271, has since been referred to the House Health and Welfare Committee.

Among those not fully in favor of the legalization of medical marijuana, only 13 percent of voters outright oppose such a move, with the remaining 15 percent undecided on the issue.

Poll results can be found at Louisiana Cannabis Association

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Full Article: Louisiana Voters Overwhelmingly Support Medical Marijuana
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