Black African Magic (2), Cafe Racer and Malawi x Panama in SIP's

Four days after topping the Malawi x Panama is the most Vigorous and the top node is two days into training ;)

15 Feb Mal x Pam high Day 36.jpg

15 Feb Mal x Pam low.jpg

On the other hand, the Black African Magic is still not ready to start training.

Looks like she is going to be a short plant !

15 Feb BAM high.jpg

15 Feb BAM low.jpg

Black African Magic #2 hasn't found her feet yet ;)

15 Feb BAM #2 Day 25.jpg

Cafe Racer is coming along nicely for her age, not sure yet what I will do for training...

15 Feb Cafe Racer high.jpg

15 Feb Cafe Racer low.jpg

Feed is now 3g/gallon of Mega Crop one part. The three larger girls had their reservoirs filled for the first time....

Temp is 82F, rh is 37%, light is at 75%.

Training continues..

But first, Black African Magic #2 has been growing an inch in height and an inch and a half in width :love:

If she continues she will be ~ 20" tall before flip, well within my self imposed 48" limit !

20 Feb BAM #2.jpg

Cafe Racer is looking to be lanky ;)

20 Feb Cafe Racer.jpg

Malawi x Panama.....

20 Feb Mal x Pam.jpg

Black African Magic could be the star of the show ! And the one I'm most looking forward to smoking :bongrip:

High view...

20 Feb BAM high.jpg

Low view...

20 Feb BAM low.jpg

Close up, it's a jungle in there ;)

20 Feb BAM low close.jpg

And all the girls !

20 Feb full.jpg

Day 48 for the two oldest girls and likely the second to last day of training. They are about 20" wide...

I usually flip to flower on day 50 but BAM #2 (helmut head) is eleven days behind, may give her a bit more time !

Looking forward to seeing the difference between topping/training and leaving one natural. And flowering earlier ;)

And it's almost time to decide how many branches to leave, thinking 14 ?

Black African Magic

27 Feb BAM day 48.jpg

The Girls

27 Feb The Girls day 48.jpg

Day 53, right in my normal flip to flower window !

The clippers won, Malawi x Panama is now a two node plant :yahoo:

And started to remove some of the lesser branches...

2 Mar Mal x Pan Day 53.jpg

Black African Magic last training (?)...

2 Mar BAM Day 53.jpg

Cafe Racer, also now a two node plant and added a horizontal wood skewer to the top node !

Branches were getting a little too woody to lay flat..

2 Mar Cafe Racer Day 49.jpg

Black African Magic #2 is safe, for now ;)

2 Mar BAM #2 Day 42.jpg

The Girls...

2 Mar The Girls Day 53.jpg

Pretty well have the canopy I was planning/hoping for !

Training is now mainly focused on the interior branches.....

Day 5 of flower and drinking about 1/2 a reservoir per day, feed increased to the recommended 5g/gallon.

No sign of tip burn, yet ;)

Even with Black African Magic #2 who is 11 days younger !

8 Mar BAM Day 5.jpg

Looking like she will be a perfect Christmas tree shape !

Removed the first node...

8 Mar BAM #2 Day 5.jpg

8 Mar Cafe Racer Day 5.jpg

8 Mar Mal x Pan Day 5.jpg

8 Mar The Girls Day 5.jpg

I've got the lights as close as I dare (~24") to keep the stretch down but it's not working ;)

Temps are middle 80's and rh is low 40%.

Black African Magic grew 3" in 24 hours, her younger sister only grew an inch o_O

Cafe Racer was 2" and the Malawi x Panama an inch....

Last night I watered with 5g/gallon from the top to a full reservoir.

Nothing but praying ladies :love:

Some of Black African Magic's fan leaves are Bigger than my hand :yummy:

May have waited a little too long to switch to flower, I've already had to expand my "walls" and the next step is to install hoops on them !

15 Mar BAM day 12.jpg

15 Mar BAM #2 day 12.jpg

15 Mar Cafe Racer day 12.jpg

15 Mar Mal x Pan day 12.jpg

The Girls, all tucked in :bongrip:

15 Mar The Girls day 12.jpg

Cheers, eh ?
Please allow me to pull up a seat @Chuckeye! This looks like fun.

Looking at that last pic it's hard to tell which plant was lagging behind the others. :Rasta:
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