Multiple things not quite right

Hiya 👋, so normally I just figure things out myself through reading here (y'all rock ).... But I'm having a hard time figuring out if what is happening is normal or if there is a serious problem at hand.

The plant is a blueberry cookies by @sensibleseeds and is roughly 60 days old and is a couple weeks from being done with flower.
She's being fed 1/3 cup Bloom @GeoFlora Nutrients every 12-14 days along with a 1 tsp ( manufacturer provided scoop) of Lotus cal-mag and 5ml of Big Bud with every watering which is 2-3 days. Temperature were steady for a while at 74-76f but the temps here have gone up a bit and ive hit closer to 80f in the tent. Humidity is between 45-50 constant.

Onto the issues I see:
•possible Cal-mag issue hence the spotting. I'm thinking it's not that water soluble and I need to find a liquid version.
•Curled leaves- I raised the light a bit and lowered power to %75. Will watch to see if this remedies this.
•.....F*****G fungus gnats 🤦‍♂️. So I've been using "209" and it just doesn't work ... Well not in my case. I have "mosquito bits" on the way. I've heard nothing but good things about it.

Now for the worrying look. I know some strains have dark phenos and leaves can darken with senescence, but I've never had one be this dark. I've look online everywhere and have also tried to Google lens some photos I took and still I haven't got any real answers . All I know is leaves are darkening to almost black and it's starting to spread everywhere on the plant.

So if you could take a look and give me your input It would be much appreciated 🙏. I'm personally 50/50 on if what's going on is natural or not.







So I'm gonna taka stab at it.

I feel like you're showing a tad of nitrogen toxicity as a leaves are super dark and curling down.

You're also exhibiting signs of calcium deficiency with the brown spotting on the leaves.

At this point I know it seems silly but you need to verify that your pH is in range when you water. pH lockout will cause a host of issues.

And I would flush the plant.

I use mosquito bits also I think they're great. I never had much luck with 209. Sticky cards will be your friend.
So I'm going to stab at it.

I feel like you're showing a tad of nitrogen toxicity as a leaves are super dark and curling down.

You're also exhibiting signs of calcium deficiency with the brown spotting on the leaves.

At this point I know it seems silly but you need to verify that your pH is in range when you water. pH lockout will cause a host of issues.

And I would flush the plant.

I use mosquito bits also I think they're great. I never had much luck with 209. Sticky cards will be your friend too.
Thanks O.G., I'll give a proper flush, dry cycle and feed just top dress. Idk why I didn't think to flush and start fresh and see what happens next..... honestly I think Ive only flushed once in the 4 years I've grown

Have any thoughts on the purple/black?
But I'm having a hard time figuring out if what is happening is normal or if there is a serious problem at hand.

The plant is a blueberry cookies by @sensibleseeds and is roughly 60 days old and is a couple weeks from being done with flower.
I get the feeling that you have more than a couple of weeks to go.

Even only a few weeks into flowering and it might be hard to make a change if it actually is a problem. The excess and deficiency charts mention that purple colors on leaves, petioles and stems could be a shortage of Phosphorous. A google search shows similar colored leaves on many types of plants if there is not enough of that nutrient. Something to keep in mind if this color change keeps happening on future grows.

With a name like Blueberry Cookies I have to wonder if purple is supposed to be the color the seed breeders were after. Purple leaves and purple plants were all the rage about 2 years ago. Some growers were ordering any seed they could get that was supposed to have reddish or purplish colored leaves by harvest time. The more color, especially purple, the better. If the purple was so dark that it could look black that was a bonus.

There is a thread somewhere here with hundreds of photos of purple leaf plants that people grew. This is one photo of a Peanut Butter Cup clone I grew that produced a lot of purple. Plus it was under a light that had two blurple pods left in a 3 pod fixture but even in white light it was very grape purple colored.

I get the feeling that you have more than a couple of weeks to go.

Even only a few weeks into flowering and it might be hard to make a change if it actually is a problem. The excess and deficiency charts mention that purple colors on leaves, petioles and stems could be a shortage of Phosphorous. A google search shows similar colored leaves on many types of plants if there is not enough of that nutrient. Something to keep in mind if this color change keeps happening on future grows.

With a name like Blueberry Cookies I have to wonder if purple is supposed to be the color the seed breeders were after. Purple leaves and purple plants were all the rage about 2 years ago. Some growers were ordering any seed they could get that was supposed to have reddish or purplish colored leaves by harvest time. The more color, especially purple, the better. If the purple was so dark that it could look black that was a bonus.

There is a thread somewhere here with hundreds of photos of purple leaf plants that people grew. This is one photo of a Peanut Butter Cup clone I grew that produced a lot of purple. Plus it was under a light that had two blurple pods left in a 3 pod fixture but even in white like it was very grape purple colored.

Thank you smoking wings, I normally run into a slight issue in flower every grow....but not usually the same issue 🤦‍♂️. ....and I normally have fairly colorful plants in my gardens.... I pick them specifically for the color change because it's pleases my artistic mind, however these are really dark like black....I have never seen this dark of color on any plant prior which is why is a little unnerving.

I did mix in some bone meal into top 2 inches of soil after I flushed her out with about 5.5L of water, also re-fed her 1/3 cup Bloom with tsp Cal-mag and 5ml big bud this morning after reading your message. OG recommended I flush which I thought was a good idea....reset and go from there .
I had some black and purp pull thru on one of my ladies last harvest. She's started green all the way till last 6 weeks.

I didn't know much about the lineage so I just assumed I f'Ed up somewhere. But either way, beautiful plants. Crazy looking bud. Scissors look like I was chopping up berries! Can't wait to pack her up in the bong.
Dark leaves definitely not a problem, I’ve had them go near black. Usually temp related (low) and that could also cause your leaf 🌮

I agree with making sure pH is perfect, it’s often been my culprit when I blamed other things.

Mosquito bits are great. They can take a week or 2 to break the cycle but once they do, gnats are in constant decline. Yellow sticky cards and nighttime sticky lights take care of about 90% of the rest.

For the obvious stubborn crawling and flying gnats I do use a safe garden spray sometimes. I don’t personally mind using pyrethrum or permethrin in my tent (not on the plant directly) for things that don’t want to die otherwise.
Dark leaves definitely not a problem, I’ve had them go near black. Usually temp related (low) and that could also cause your leaf 🌮

I agree with making sure pH is perfect, it’s often been my culprit when I blamed other things.

Mosquito bits are great. They can take a week or 2 to break the cycle but once they do, gnats are in constant decline. Yellow sticky cards and nighttime sticky lights take care of about 90% of the rest.

For the obvious stubborn crawling and flying gnats I do use a safe garden spray sometimes. I don’t personally mind using pyrethrum or permethrin in my tent (not on the plant directly) for things that don’t want to die otherwise.
Yea fungus gnat have plagued me 😡😅....for a while there I was using a dab torch and hunting them down.... Works for a bit and is kinda entertaining....but extremely impractical 😂.....but again fun. I just know I need to get them all gone before I start my next grow.

I've used a diluted rubbing alcohol and water mix in a spray bottle to kill the ones not on the pot or plant itself.... Works wonders btw...kills them almost instantly. Just equally as lethal to the plant....which I accidentally saw last grow... Brief spray on small section of the plant and it literally killed that leaf within the I exercise caution.

For my temps they stay between 74-80 f with no above or below variance with humidity stable 50%-60%. And for p.h ..... Well I could lie and tell you all I will check it but I don't usually and have not checked ph since I started growing and bought the vivosun ph meter with ph up and down......almost 4 years ago.... And it all has dust on it..... I know having equipment that I won't use is foolish... But so far so good with going ng by eye and everything up to this point. I know I have a Cal-mag issue...the spots are tell tales of early on deficiency, but until my liquid bush doctor comes next week I'm kinda stuck to allow her to just rock out with what is occurring.
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