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From 420fied, regarding the most useful, important posts in his journals: "This is a reference I put together. You may find it useful. This list was spawned by TheDoctor's request so those of you who benefit from it can rep him. What I have done is browse through all of my Hempy...
A while back, I decided to harvest some pollen from a male "Jack the Ripper" plant I had, and selectively pollenate a bud on a couple of different plants. I thought I'd share the process I used, in case it helps someone else out. First, it's advisable to read up a bit on genetics to...
Here's the dirty secret of (nearly?) ALL ph meters: they are a huge pain in the ass, eat batteries, need constant calibrating, and rarely last more than a year and a half with daily usage before getting inconsistent and hard to keep accurately calibrated. I hate 'em! Having said that, they are...
Here are the steps I take to keep bugs out of my grow room: I spray the perimeter of the grow room periodically with "Home Defense Max", which does seem to create a barrier they don't like to cross, at least on the ground. I also put a "mosquito dunk" in my water reservoirs...
I really like good DIY write ups, and this one was especially well put together with great pics. If you've ever wanted to add CO2 to your grow, but can't afford a CO2 generator or burner, this might be for you! Thanks Jandre for letting me re-post this: DIY CO2 Generator by: jandre2k3...
A few people have asked lately about tips/tricks/suggestions for harvesting and when to harvest. I posted this in my current journal, but thought it would be good to add this to my blog as well. Hope someone finds this useful! This is just how I do things, and there are bound to be other...
I really like to share posts, charts & info that are especially helpful here in my blog. Seagem shared this chart on OMM's thread, and I really thought it looked useful. Hope someone else finds this useful as well. :) Thank you, Seagem! Oh, and if anybody knows of a specifically good...
Posted in the blog: Tips for successful cloning
My Cloning process Took a couple of photos while I was cloning today, and thought I'd share. As I've mentioned in the past, I use "Rapid Rooters" (Root Riot plugs are very similar and work too) to clone. In addition, I soak the Rapid Rooters in Clonex prior to using. I use RootTech hormone...
Fairly frequently, people ask about getting more participation in their journals as it can be slow going when you first start journaling. I remember being frustrated by this, too, and consequently I almost never journaled again. I thought these ideas might be helpful to others as well, so I'm...
Posted in the blog: My seed germination technique
I really like Rapid Rooter plugs. I've been germinating seeds in them since I started growing, and now use them for cloning, too. They're great as they can be used to germinate for soil or hydro, and easy to use. They contain important micronutrients and beneficial organisms to stimulate...
Posted in the blog: Sexing a plant - male or female?
Here is a good picture for sexing a plant:
This excellent post is from Aberration. He posted these great equations that help when you you want to understand how much more water to add to bring your nutrient PPM's to a certain number, for example. He has the most detailed journal(s) I've ever seen, and grows fantastic plants. Check...
Around the forums here, and any MMJ forums, people throw around "PPM (Pars Per Million)" quite a bit, but I'm not sure everyone realizes that PPM's are not standardized. An Oakton meter and a Hanna meter used to measure the same nutrient solution would report different PPM readings, for...
Great tip for hydro growing: PPM's go up, PH goes down: Plants require less nutes. PPM's go down, PH goes up = Plants require more nutes. PPM's stable, PH goes up = Equilibrium (Ideal)
Posted in the blog: PH values for growing Cannabis
This information is from Blue Planet Nutrients as it relates to proper PH levels for growing Cannabis (Thanks Blue Planet/Corey!):
Okay if you like this information or find it useful, please stop by my journal and give some +rep to Blue Planet Nutrients for sharing this recipe:
Posted in the blog: Homemade flushing agent!
Super cool info, courtesy of Goldengoose7. If you like it, give him a shout or a plus rep. Here's a link to the post in my journal:
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