Blog entries by Dober

Posted in the blog: PH Balance
Yikes the water and nutrient reads PH level too high problem add some stuff to lower it. OOPS now too low, no problem add some PH up...GREAT now to high and back and forth, I'm losing my mind. Whats the trick to get the PH level at a correct reading. There are no directions for amount of...
Posted in the blog: FIMing
Anyone care to chime in re: FIMing. I would like to know your thoughts on Double FIMing. Is this advisable? I am after a short bushy plant. Thanks...
Posted in the blog: newbie with so many questions
Day 29 under the 12/12 clock. Buds appeared two weeks ago. Still appears to be a ways to go before harvest. I am now on day 152 from germination. Does this time line sound typical? Plant started from Northern Lights seed. Anyway to hurry up the process or should I relax and enjoy the ride...
Posted in the blog: first time into flowering
So out of three plants I am left with one female. Now day 23 into flowering under the HPS bulb. QUESTION: is it ok to remove leaves that block the light to the buds? Thanks for the advice.
I love all your pics and stories of success. I could care less how stoned you got. What I would like and appreciate very much is advice from one of you experienced growers. After 4 months of veg I turned the clock to 12/12 and put the plants under the HPS bulb. 3 plants and two started growing...
Posted in the blog: new to it all and confused
First post, patience please :) I just don't get it. Ive read over 20 different posts regarding male vs female and how to tell them apart...ALL different. So here I am at flowering stage. 3 plants 138 days old. 7 days into bloom stage. 2 plants fully in bloom and looking very much alike. The...
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