Cake N’ Chem early flower
Haste Makes Waste

Cake N’ Chem early flower

Cake N’ Chem early flower
Anyone else wash buds? When I don’t, I wish I had.

Wash bucket 1: a tablespoon or two of peroxide and a squirt of lemon juice in a gallon of distilled water.

Rinse/wash buckets 2 and 3: a gallon and a half distilled water.

Whip and/or spin as much excess water from buds into the sink.

Post wash dry in paper towel layered tray.

Jamaican Dream hid some major buddage amongst all those leaves. Top cola on the right.

Into paper bags until it’s time for jars. Shuffle bags around once and a while trying to dry things evenly. I end up with flat sides on heavy buds, but the grinder and pipe don’t notice.

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