Recent content by 00blaze

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    MMJ Lawsuit Reviewing Scientific Evidence Reaches Federal Court

    @Gator: no she's public schooled. She told me her teacher has a mmj card. Its kinda strange.
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    MMJ Lawsuit Reviewing Scientific Evidence Reaches Federal Court

    @Gator: i do all i can. It's funny how one person can shape the a whole time line. The issue i have at the present time is my oldest daughter is studying drugs and how they affect people in there daily lives. Everything she has shown me is marijuana. And its ALL BS. The whole text book on it. I...
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    MMJ Lawsuit Reviewing Scientific Evidence Reaches Federal Court

    @Gator. Wow you guys have seen the world change into what it has become today. My wife was pregnant with our first little girl when 9-11 happened. I had 8friends go over there and there still there. The world as we know it is still changing and always will. I look to a better day when my...
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    MMJ Lawsuit Reviewing Scientific Evidence Reaches Federal Court

    I have a heart condition called afib. My kaiser Dr has me taking 100Mg of metropolol it only goes up to 125Mg. with a asprin tab daily. The next step is a more potent med. I have had blood in my urine from the meds. I smoked some purple Kush with a family member and all my heart palps and...
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