Recent content by 240blaze

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    240Blaze's 1st Grow 1000W MH/HPS Soil Northern Lights + More -2013

    well the vinegar and soap taps actually caught some of the bugs and the yellow sticky traps are doing good i can still see some on the perlite hoping to kill these bastards and i guess imma try and extract as many bugs out of the bud as i can
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    240Blaze's 1st Grow 1000W MH/HPS Soil Northern Lights + More -2013

    Hey everyone seem like i got a bug problem :( I was thinking they were fungus gnats but i dont think they are here is what the babies and mature bugs look like what should i do to get them out i have tried throwing cinnamon in the pots to kill larva and i dressed the pots with perlite i then...
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    240Blaze's 1st Grow 1000W MH/HPS Soil Northern Lights + More -2013

    hey everyone who is still following im at week 5 and the gals are doing great except for the tallest of the NL's it got burned from getting to close to the light . I have also discovered fungus gnats but very few don't know if i should be too worried seeing as there is few and i don't know if...
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  12. 2

    240Blaze's 1st Grow 1000W MH/HPS Soil Northern Lights + More -2013

    So far the gals are doing good they are all shooting off their hairs and seem like they are on track the 2 NL's have reached my 4 foot goal and i think there not done growing taller :), thinking about defoliating its getting way to packed in the room kinda scared since i hear that cutting to...
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