Recent content by 420 Skunk Ave

  1. 4

    The VipersNest Continuous

    Thanks Pit I think I will try Coco out on my next run, I also would like to keep cost down and control my ph in the medium better.
  2. 4

    The VipersNest Continuous

    Hey pit. Are you going to use the coco straight or some kind of mix? I have been thinking about converting to coco also but do not know much about the preperation.
  3. 4

    Airavata's Continuous 2-Tent Grow - Soil - 600W HPS

    Hey Air, My one point of advice I would have is to check your PH coming out of your pots and work to get them in the right range, every sick plant I have had in dirt can be traced to low PH. I use fox farms ocean harvest and the PH on that stuff is all over the place contrary to what they state...
  4. 4

    The VipersNest Continuous

    Happens to me all the time, ok to smoke the green and just use the brown in some butter with other trim.
  5. 4

    The VipersNest Continuous

    those pro locks are a lot nicer than the yoyo's much easier to use.
  6. 4

    The VipersNest Continuous

    Hi Pit, Have read all of your continous grow journal and have gained a lot of knowledge even though I have been growing outside for years, so thanks to you and all the contributors to this journal. I know that your using a light mover in your basement room. The question is can you rig a mover up...
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