Recent content by 58apache

  1. 5

    Let me introduce myself

    Wow, Thank for the warm welcome. Yep, my time in California while growing up was during a really great time. The end of the love and peace movement, that peak of the great social movements to end the war in Vietnam, and efforts to end racial discrimination, and bring equal rights. I remember...
  2. 5

    Let me introduce myself

    Hey ClarkKent, Thank you for the quick reply. I certainly understand the need to keep a low profile, especially considering the current mix of laws around the country, like here in Maryland. The space I am considering using is inside, about 22'X32', but I may not use the whole space if I...
  3. 5

    Let me introduce myself

    I grew up in Southern California in the 60's and 70's, and in high school I was part of the group known as the stoners, even though I didn't smoke pot or anything else at that time, I just like the people in the stoners group, plus they were the most fun to be around. They liked me because I...
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