Recent content by Adriot

  1. A

    Need help see if you can ID this problem

    I have had the same issue before. I wish I still had pictures of the leaves. As FuzzyDuck has recommended try using a PK boost, but add it slowly over the course of a week or two. Don't want to over do it then create a lockout. There are many products out there, find one you have access to and...
  2. A

    RDWC Mid Flowering Issues

    Figured I would update Giving her more nutrients worked! She is looking glorious and close to harvest, I've added some shots for your viewing pleasure. LMK what ya think.
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  11. A

    First grow - Chop Chop?

    I think I see what your talking about, but it's hard to make out. If you have nannas at day 56, and there're just forming I wouldn't worry. Your close enough to harvesting that even if one pops and did pollinate your crop seeds wouldn't have much time to form. I have had them around the same...
  12. A

    RDWC Mid Flowering Issues

    Well I know the roots are healthy, they are a nice white, growing at the normal rate, no slime or discoloration. The water temps are always where they need to be. The issue arose right when the plant started to really try and bulk up its buds, so my reasoning is (if this makes no sense please...
  13. A

    I think I may need some help?

    Re: I think I may need some help?? Since your early into flowering see if you can maybe tilt the whole pot so the whole plant is at a slight angle. Will help get more light onto the lower budsites, and the ones near the apical meristem will fight for dominance. Not to much you can do now this...
  14. A

    RDWC Mid Flowering Issues

    I changed the Res two days ago, and upped the nutes. Still not getting better. I'm thinking of adding more bloom because the plant still seems deficient. I think she's just over producing for the amount of nutrients I'm giving her as she's quite large her canopy is 3' 6"x 3' 6" . The roots are...
  15. A

    RDWC Mid Flowering Issues

    I have been using H2o2 since I got back and when I was gone. I was using bennies, but when I left I didn't want to hassle the house sitter with brewing teas too, when I was going over the whole thing he was just looking at me like are you kidding. Ha. In Botanicare's predeveloped recipes they...
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